Chapter 13

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Paisley P.O.V

It's 3 weeks before the wedding and honestly I couldn't be more nervous. Mia and matt are over and were planning everything while Nash is asleep still.

Mia:"Okay, so you have all the dresses right?"

I nod.

Me:"Everyone has their correct sizes in suits and dresses. Yours still fits right Mia?"

She nods and I smile and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in..

Matt:"Do you have the food picked out and everything?"

Me:"We have steak, fried chicken, salad, vegetarian dish, rolls, carrots, squash, maccaroni, mashed potatoes, lemonade, iced tea, coke, and water."

They both nod.

Mia:"You got both cakes ordered right?"

We ordered two big cakes for the wedding. They are similar we just needed enough for everyone.

Me:"Yes. They should be in 2 days before the wedding."

We discuss the decorations and everything else. About 30 minutes later nash wakes up.


Nash:"morning beautiful. And best friends."

He says smiling.

Me:"I made you breakfast, it's wrapped up if it's cold just heat it up."

He nods and bends down and kisses my cheek.


Me:"Are you okay?"


He turns around holding his chest where his ribs are which confuses me, but I just ignore it and continue talking with Mia and Matt.

Nash:"What are y'all doing?"

Me:"Planning every detail about the wedding."

I hear him stop breathing for a second then continue to do what he was doing... He's been acting so strange lately and it makes me really curious..

Mia:"We have to go. I'm glad we could be here to help with everything. Call us tomorrow or whenever if you need anything."

Me:"Okay! Bye hoe."

I hug her real quick and hug matt. Then they walk out and I put up the wedding planning books on the shelf. I walk behind where Nash is sitting and wrap my arms around him. I kiss his cheek.

Me:"Is it good?"

Nash:"Yep, thanks babe."

I nod and smile. He finishes eating and puts his stuff in the dish washer and trash can. Then he walks over to me and holds my hand.

Nash:"Let's lay together on the couch. I wanna spend lots of time with you."

Me:"Nash we see each other every day."

Nash:"I don't care it's important to be together a lot now."

I just laugh and we cuddle on the love seat and turn on Tv and watch it together. It's full house and this has always, hands down, been the cutest show ever. The family is so close and I love it.

Me:"I hope we have a family like that one day, how were always happy."

He nods and continues staring at the TV. I grab his hand and wrap mine in his. He doesn't seem to move at my touch at all.

Me:"I can't believe I'll be married to the love of my life soon."

Again he kind of ignores me, just nods.

Me:"What the crap is wrong with you? You have been acting so different and it confuses me.."

I look him in his face and I hear him sigh. He turns towards me and looks down at me. I see him begin to cry. He wraps his strong arms around me and cries in my shoulder.

Nash:"I love you so much paisley. But shut the fuck up about the future, there won't be one."

Me:"What? You don't want a future? Why couldn't you have told me 4 years ago so I wouldn't have went through all this crap."

Nash:"I never meant it like that.. I love you paisley it's just.. Ugh I can't explain. And you thought or relationship was crap?"

Me:"No, our relationship was the best thing that ever happened to me.. And you of course. But what is it? Just tell me Nash."

He takes a deep breath, then takes off his shirt.

Me:"Nash hold up this isn't a sex session your supposed to tell me what's wro-"

Then I notice a big bruise on his rib area.

Nash:"Ever since Jessie messed up my ribs, I have had rib troubles, they haven't been that bad until the past 6 months. I went to the doctor once when we had our break before Jessie took you, they said I have lung disease, my ribs are breaking and rotting slowly, this bruise is from one of my rib cages scraping up on my inside right there. They can't perform surgery because of the disease.. I have a month and a half left to live."

I can't believe what he is saying. I just want to take away the pain from him. I'm going to lose my fiancé, aka the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't want to but I will soon. I can't help not to cry and I can't breathe, I'm crying so hard.

Me:"I love you so much... I can't lose you, I wanted us to have a family and be together forever."

Nash:"We can't be together forever sadly, I have always wanted a kid and it's the best to be with the girl I love so much, which is you. I won't be able to meet my kid but he or she will be with an amazing beautiful girl who will treat them right. You will find someone else who will love you so much... Don't let me being gone stop you from having a great life.. But paisley will you please have my kid, I will watch over you both in heaven, it'll hurt me not being able to be there with you, but knowing a kid of mine is on the earth will be the best thing ever. It could kind of be a mini me, a reminder to you of everything we had."

I nod.

Me:"Of course I'll have your baby, I mean our baby. I love you so much nash and I've always wanted my first kid to be with you, even if you wont be here I will love the kid as much as I love you, maybe even more which is impossible.. I'll miss you so much but having the kid around will always remind me of you and I'll cry at times, but it'll be tears of joy remembering the great time we had."

Nash smiles and we lean in and kiss. I'll miss all this, when it's gone..


(A/N) I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm honestly crying so much!! I'm going to try to update again soon but at the first it'll be a sex chapter kind of since it'll be the last time they do it I'll try to make it descriptive for yall😂😂 it's hella awkward but oh well. It'll also be what makes their kid. I'm crying so hard thanks for reading the book is almost over, but I hope y'all enjoyed.

XOXO Lauren😘🎀💋

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