Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! sorry I've been MIA these past few weeks. I've been busy with a few personal things that made me unable to write. Anyway as an apology I have updated more than one book! Have fun!

Next Day...

Uchiha Compound's Training Grounds

Two raven-haired Uchiha stood in the middle of the Uchiha grounds. The taller one looked at the other with a serious face as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Alright show me the fireball jutsu first. If it was good I'll show you a new one." said Tobirama.

Sasuke nodded. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu."  Sasuke breathed out a medium sized fireball.

"Alright, that's passable. These are the hand signs for the new jutsu." Tobirama did some hand signs. "Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu!" Tobirama breathed out a dragon head fireball jutsu.

Sasuke started the hand signs. "Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu!" Sasuke breathed out a small dragon head fireball jutsu. 

"That's good for your first try. Practice on it. I expect you to master it by the end of the week."

"But that's tomorrow!"

"Then you better get to it." Tobirama smirked.

"Tch. Hn."

Tobirma held a tiger sign towards one of the trees. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu."

"Gah!! Hot hot hot!" a voice shouted.

Shisui dropped out of the tree while trying to put out the flames.  "Why did you fire at me?!"


Shisui's eyebrow twitched and sighed. "You must be Madara."

Tobirama nodded. "And you are..."

"Shisui Uchiha also known as Shunshin no Shisui!" he puffed out his chest.

"Never heard of you."

An imaginary arrow hit Shisui in the heart. "So cold!"

Madara laughed in Tobirama's mindscape. "Nice one Senju!"

"Hn. Why are you here?" said Tobirama.

"Ehehe I was just curious."

Tobirama narrowed his eyes. 

Shisui flinched. "Has anyone told you how much you look like the original Madara?"

"If you are here to talk about nonsense then go away I'm busy."

Another arrow hit Shisui in the heart. "Gah! You're worse than Itachi. Do you need help with anything?"

Tobirama raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to help?"

Shisui scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I just want to spend some time with Itachi's younger brothers."

"Hn. Fine."


"Teach me the body flicker jutsu."

"Eh? But -"

"If not then you can leave."

Shisui sighed. "Fine, let's start."

Main Uchiha Compound - Tobirama's Room

"What are you thinking about Waterbrain?"

Tobirama's eyebrows twitched at the nickname. "Who're you calling waterbrain black hedgehog?!"

Madara smirked. "You obviously!".


"I see that you learned the Uchiha language. Good job."


Madara's eyebrow twitched.

"I was thinking of telling who I am to Saru."

Madara laughed. "You do that. Let's see what that Monkey's reaction is to your appearance. I can't wait to see it!" 


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