Unexpected Phone Call

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Jasmine soon remembered that the girl she sees has just passed recently while Nick's sister passed a year ago.

She wanted to discover what was the connection between Nick's sister & the appearing girl! Are they the same girl? Could the accident Jasmine saw was just a flash back memory of Nick's sister's death? But the news on TV was also a hallucination? Jasmine's mind was about to explode when a thought came on her mind "why not to ask Sam!"

Sam was Jasmine's cousin. He is a detective but what's more important that he is a researcher.He is just 8 years older than her.

She remembers his passion to know more about ghosts. That's why he specialized in such field! " He is the one" said Jasmine using her phone to call him.

" Oh Jessy! It has been so long" said a rough voice loudly ending with a funny laughter." Well Believe it ,Cousin! It's me Nerdy Jessy as you used to call!"

" Glad to hear from you Nerdy Jessy !" said Sam "Throw me a visit soon!"

Jasmine ended the phone call after she had told him that she's going to visit him at the end of that week.

Going through Facebook's news feed, Jasmine saw a post with a picture that Nick posted. A caption saying " R.I.P my little Catherine .I'll always love you"

The picture of that girl wasn't the same that Jasmine saw at Nick's place. Jasmine guessed that the girl appeared on the reflecting frame, that's why she thought that Catherine was the same girl.

But still why did she appear on that frame specially? Why Catherine's particularly?!

Jasmine believed that as questions always strike her mind, answers would do so soon! She had no choice other than believing so.

Her thinking was interrupted by a phone call. It was a private number. "Hello?" said Jasmine with a curious tone. But there was no answer!  "Hello? Who's there?" said Jasmine once again but this time she used a harsh tone. 

Again there was no answer. However, she now hears some noice. It was kinda indistinguishable. It was like something being dragged! And suddenly she heard two men chatting.

"What should we do with this corpse"  said one of them. " Well we can do nothing for now. We are going to babysit this corpse until the Boss tells us what to do!" said the other guy mockingly.

Jasmine didn't hang up .She wished to know  indirectly more about this unexpected call from these men! Maybe this would lead her to a point where she could figure out what's going on! She noticed that one of the men's accent was somehow strange. It seemed like he was from Asia perhaps! 

" Jessy!" called Justin loudly before knocking on her door. "Did you hear that?" said one of the men .Jasmine had no choice but to hang up the phone call or she will be in trouble!

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