Trust No Body

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Justin is now back. He did really enjoy the camp. Hoping that his sister did well during his absence, he asked if everything went well. Jasmine preferred not to tell him about the kidnap thing at least until they are known.

"Sweet Necklace! Did you buy it?" asked Justin referring to the necklace Jasmine was wearing. "It's from Nick, you know him! He's your girlfriend's cousin."  replied Jasmine. " Aha..The one from the blind date! I can see you both are doing well" 

Jasmine with a blushing face answered " I think he is a gentle lovable person and I also think he is into me".

"And you ?" asked Justin. With her cheeks turning red, she nodded her head.

Jasmine loved her relationship with her brother. It wasn't just a sister-brother relationship but also a friendship. She had always needed this kind of friendship as she barely had friends and no sister.

Justin went to his room to have some rest before which his mum called telling them that they had to postpone their return because of some circumstances beyond their control.

Jasmine was at her room when the door bell rang. She took some time to get down and answer the door but no one was there! Except for a lovely cute bouquet of purple flowers. She at first loved the flowers so much but soon this feeling changed when she read the card that was with the bouquet. " Leave the past so not to be a part of it ". It seemed like a threat. She checked the signature and shockingly it was signed with " Someone you don't wish to meet" !

This wasn't the time when Jasmine knew she was in trouble. She knew so when she started seeing the girl. Jasmine had always wanted to help others and she believed this maybe was a way! She now insisted on uncovering the truth even if this would put her in a real danger!

Albert would be a great help to her since he was a policeman. This would shorten the way to discover facts!

Jasmine still didn't find her mobile phone. Could it be lost? Could it be hidden somewhere at home? Where could it be? 

Her mobile phone was important to her as it was a gift from an old friend plus it had all her friends' numbers. She had to buy a new one until she finds the old.

After she did so, she posted her new number in a status on Facebook where all her friends could see.

Albert -maybe after knowing Jasmine's new number from Sam- contacted her to tell about the new updates he got. "Hello Jasmine,  Unfortunately nothing remarkable was found from the mobile fingerprints! Yours and someone called Nick Smith were only found."

"I think he is the guy I saw at your place!" said Albert. Jasmine hang up the call and she couldn't believe what she heard. "Nick?... How come? ...How did his fingerprints were printed on the phone? Could he be of the kidnappers?  Could it be his phone at first place?"

Jasmine was truly astonished while thinking of that. She now believed that the one who said " Trust no body" was right!


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