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She saw that girl again. But this time the girl's dress was bloodless. Blood started to appear on her face then on the dress. A "J" letter appeared on the girl's bloody dress. Jasmine tried again to open the door that this time opened easily. Sara -Max's girlfriend- was there. That explains why the door was no more locked. " Jessy, what's wrong? why is your face so pale?" asked Sara. Jasmine replied with a fake smile saying "Oh nothing Sara. I'm just tired. I'm not really used to going to parties."

Jasmine didn't want to tell anyone about what she saw at her room or at Max's party.

She believed that everyone would think that she went mad even her brother Justin would do so.

"What's that "J" letter? " What is happening to me?" . Jasmine's thinking was interrupted by someone asking her for a dance. He was a handsome guy. She believed she needed to enjoy herself to forget what happened at the bathroom. Also, she couldn't say no to that handsome guy. "Hey, I'm Nick" he said introducing himself."And I'm Jasmine"

"So are you Max's friend. It's my first time to see you" she said politely. With a laughing smile, he replied "Well, we are friends but at the first place I'm his cousin"

" It's strange he haven't mentioned me in front of you!" he continued. " Max has always mentioned you with good words. Anyway nice to meet you".

" Thanks, nice to meet you too" she said.

Nick was wearing a nice shiny expensive watch on his left hand. They sat to have a drink. Nick had the habit of moving his hands continuously while they were chatting. Suddenly, Jasmine saw that girl again reflected on Nick's watch. For sure the image wasn't even close to being clear but Jasmine recognized it. She tried not to appear weird in front of the guy.

The party was almost over.It was a great one. Nick offered Jasmine a lift. And while they were on their way to Jasmine's house, she saw -for the third time- the girl's image.It was reflected on the car's right mirror. This time the girl's lips were moving. It was like she was trying to tell Jasmine something. Her lips were moving but no words were heard.
"Did you see that?" said Jasmine. "Nope! What are you talking about, Jessy?" asked Nick. "Never mind! No big deal" replied Jasmine. 

Jasmine saw the girl on every single reflecting surface. Every time the blood became darker. And the J letter appeared very often.

Gathering her courage, Jasmine stood in front of her mirror and waited for the girl's image to appear.
"Jessy, don't use your eyes" said the girl's image which vanished quickly.

What was that? What did she mean? Why did she speak this time? All these questions were on Jasmine's mind. 

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