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"Claire, please wait." I tune him out and keep going, but I know he's following me. "I'm high. I don't know what I'm saying. Please. Just, can we talk?"

I stop and turn around and he takes a deep breath before coming over to me. "There's nothing to talk about. Really." I look at him, he does not look good. His eyes are bloodshot and his pupils are super dilated. When his eyes do meet mine, I can tell he isn't all there. And he reeks. Even from this careful distance, the stench lingers in the air.

Honestly, this Alec scares me. I have a pure hatred for drugs that burns hotter than the sun. In my mind that was hazed with my undeniable affection towards Alec I overlooked his state. I never should have come- I can't believe I let myself be so stupid.

"I know that's not true." He trails off.

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now. You can find me when you're sober. "

"What if I change my mind when I'm sober?"

I let out a laugh. "If you won't say it sober then you shouldn't be saying it at all," I snap. My words are hard like ice. "And I don't want to hear it from this Alec. And also I hate you." I say bitterly.

I pivot and go and this time he doesn't follow. And I curse myself eternally because as much as I pretend to hate Alec, I know that I don't really hate him- I might never will.

The only thing I hate is vulnerability.  And maybe I convinced myself to hate Alec because he makes me feel vulnerable.  And maybe I don't hate Alec because when I'm with him I can pretend that I'm not.

I almost feel myself starting to cry but I snap myself out of it. What good do tears do?

When I finally get home there's a car parked in my driveway that I don't recognize. Upon seeing it I pivot and turn the way I came as my heart starts picking up again. My poor heart, I've probably shaved 5 years off my life in one evening. I hear a voice call my name.


I stop, and slowly turn around.

The fact that they know my name is oddly comforting. I cant quite make out the face of who is in front of my house, but the voice sounds familiar. As I approach, I realize it's Devon.

"Uh.. Hi." I stop beside him and put my arms over my chest. My eyes dart to the door, eager to just run up the porch steps and get away from his whole situation. I don't feel safe at night anymore.

"It's Skylar. He's in the hospital." He says quickly. Yikes @ Skyler.

"Is... he okay?"

"We aren't sure. He's asking for you. Will you just let me bring you to the hospital?"

I hesitate. "I can drive myself."

"We really should get there as soon as possible. My car's already running.."

I bite my lip and after a few seconds of debate I nod. "Okay."

We get in and he backs out as I send a text to my dad and we drive off.  "What happened?" My heart is racing. Is he okay? Are his wounds life threatening? Does anyone have these answers?

"Uh.." He takes a shaky breath. "It was during our post season scrimmage. He got hit hard and his brain's swelling. He's in surgery right now. They think he might have broken his neck."

I take a deep and equally shaky breath. "That's bad."

"Yeah, it's bad."

"Devon, I'm scared. He really told you to bring me?"

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