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"Okay everyone. Pile in." I say coldly, unlocking the car.

"Claire, I just want to sleep. I'm tired, and hungover."

I turn around and glare daggers; Lindsey visibly flinches when she meets my cold stare, and gets in the car.

"Why can't we just stay here?" Kate asks, yawning. For a headstrong, ridiculously snarky girl, she seems pretty quiet. Even she can grasp what deep shit she is in with me.

"Because this is your fault. And you guys are going to help me fix it." I say matter-of-factly, glaring at the road through the windshield. I drive through the dark neighborhood streets and down Sunnyside towards the Target. I am still so unbelievably pissed.

They dyed my hair. Without my consent. While I slept. That is hair rape.

"You know, Claire.. Your hair is starting to dry and.. it actually... it looks really good. I think.." Hallie says softly.

I slam on the brakes and stop in the middle of the road. A car honks and swerves around me as I turn around to glare at the three girls in the back. "You speak when spoken to!" I scream. "Do you all even realize how fucking pissed my dad will be if he sees this!?" I grab my hair and hold it up for emphasis. "He is so against hair dye, piercings, tattoos.. I'm lucky he even lets me wear makeup! Fuck you. This is not funny. I am so fucking pissed!" I whip myself around and start driving again, my hands clenched against the steering wheel. "UGH!"

"Claire, I don't know what we were.."

"Don't try to apologize!" I shout over her.

The car ride is silent after that.

I park the car and slam my door shut, zipping my hoodie up and putting the hood over my hair. You know, in case I see anybody that knows me.

I think it's worth mentioning that I'm only wearing a sports bra under this, since my friends' genius prank ruined my favorite t-shirt. Yay.

The rest of the girls get out slowly, keeping their distance from me. Good. Then I can't impulsively reach out and strangle them. I start walking and I hear them follow behind me silently. I walk in through the sliding glass doors and wait for them. They all wince under the bright light.

God, they're probably so hungover. And they look afraid of me. My face almost contorts in sympathy but I catch it just in time. I may feel bad for exploding on them, but I'm still annoyed, and frankly, very pissed off.

We heard towards the hair dye and look for something that will return my hair to it's former porcelain platinum blonde glory.

I turn towards the girls. "Okay. If it looks even close to my former hair color, or it says it can remove dye, throw it in." I set the basket on the floor and we get to work.

"Hey Claire." The guy at the counter says, grabbing my stuff as it moves down the checkout belt.

I scoff. "You work here?"

"Yep. This is a lot of hair dye- woah."

"I know. Blame them." I motion to Kate, Lindsey, and Hallie who are behind me, waving awkwardly.

"Your hair..."

"Is blue. I know, skylar. Thanks for stating the obvious." His blonde hair (ugh. His natural and not blue hair) is messily thrown atop his head. He looks tired.

He reaches his hand over and places it on mine, I quickly pull away. "Don't touch me."

"Someone's in a mood today." He says, bagging the last of my items.

Um? Excuse me? Bitch????

"That kind of happens when you wake up with blue hair."

We leave with six hair dyes and two hair dye removal kits. Lord knows if it will even work. I don't even know how deep blue my hair is right now, I've been avoiding mirrors all morning. Maybe for the rest of my life, if we can't get it out.


"So did it work?" I ask hopefully. Hallie, Kate and Lindsey are gathered around me, inspecting my hair. Lindsey is holding the hair dryer, Kate is holding a water hose (I'm currently sitting in front of their kitchen sink), and Hallie has the hair dye in her hand.

"Er.... no."

I groan. and bury my head in my hands.

"what does it look like now?"

"It's just making it a lighter blue. Do you want to see?"


"Maybe we should go to a professional."

"No time. I have to be home in an hour." I say, checking the clock. "Let's try again with another box real quick."

"Claire, no. It will destroy your hair, we've already done a lot within 24 hours. Maybe we should wait a bit." Lindsey says, unplugging the hair dryer and wrapping the cord around it.

""Linds, if I go home like this, I'll die with blue hair. I'll be lowered into my grave with blue hair."

"You won't have any hair at all if you don't, like, stop."

"It actually looks really good, Claire." Hallie says, grabbing a tendril and holding it up. I don't look at it. I don't want to know. "It's like a really steel blue."

Kate and Lindsey nod in agreement, telling me that it looks really good.

"I don't care. I want it back to normal."

"We'll get it there. You can go to a professional and they'll fix this. Just... after you give your hair some time."

"We wouldn't have to fix this if you didn't fuck it up in the first place." I snap.

"We're really, really, really sorry. We just wanted you to step out of your comfort zone, get a little change." Hallie comes over and grabs my hand in hers.

"I've had enough change recently, thank you." I sigh. "I know you're sorry. I have to go."

I gather my stuff up and grab my car keys. "When I die," I say, pointing my finger at them, "Your fault." I unlock the door and head outside before turning to face them again. "Your fault."

"Good luck with your dad!" Lindsey calls out. Oh boy will I need it.

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