I will kiss you on the cheek. Don't think I won't. Full homo

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I tediously hold my phone to my ear by pressing it between my face and my shoulder as I desperately attempt to mix cookie batter simultaneously.

It's not going well, as I'm sure you can imagine.

"And then I was like: no way. And she was like: would I lie to you- Claire, are you listening?"


"Okay, so then we.."  I set the bowl down and place the phone on the counter after setting it to speaker mode. Why I didn't do this earlier, I have no clue.

"So I have classes tomorrow and Friday and then I'm off for thanksgiving break! How exciting is that?"

"So exciting." My sister, Becca, is a junior at the University of Oregon this year (go ducks!). She is majoring in engineering, which is totally nerdy and unfathomable to me, a girl who has trouble keeping a high B in general math.

"I've missed you so much. Hey, is it okay if I bring someone?"

"Why wouldn't it be? I love Tucker, dad sort-of kind-of likes tucker..." I pad over to the drawer to grab a spatula for scooping the batter.

"Actually, Claire.. Tucker and I broke up four weeks ago."

The wooden spatula hits the ground with a thud. "You broke up and didn't even tell me?"

"I was planning to, but i just never got around to it..."

I bend over to pick up the dropped spatula with a sigh, and toss it into the sink. "Okay."

"Please don't be mad. I just didn't know how to tell you."

"I just wish I knew so I could've been there for you." I bite my lip and look up at the ceiling. It's typical for Becca to withhold personal turmoil like that- we've never been that close.

"I broke up with him, actually. I mean it was hard, but.. it's for the best."

"Wait.. you dumped tucker?" I wanted to scream 'but how could you do that! Tucker was perfect for you! He was kind, dad actually didn't want to kill him, and he really cared about you!'"

But then I realized I didn't know the whole story, and Becca is my sister. Id support her decision no matter what.


"Oh, geez." I stand there for a few seconds, processing. "Well, why?"

I hear Becca sigh from the other end of the line. "We both just have different interests. Look, I have to be somewhere in fifteen minutes. I'll just explain when I see you this weekend, okay?"


"Okay. And you're sure nobody will mind if I bring someone to dinner?"

"The more the merrier." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Okay. Bye Claire bear. Love you."

My face morphs into a grimace. "Please don't call me that. I love you too. See you soon."


"So, Claire." My dad says, slurping a spoonful of clam chowder into his mouth. "How's school going?" This is the first sentence he's said to me all evening. The sound of spoons hitting ceramic fills the air.

Babysitting the Bad Boy's BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora