At least season me before you roast me

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"I'm not going in there. You can't make me. I won't go."

"I'll grab you kicking and screaming if I have to, Claire."

I turn to face her and narrow my eyes. "If you lay a single finger on me I. Will. Scream."

"And if you make us late for the first day I'll never forgive you" she sings.

"Then fine." I say, waving my hand dismissively. "Go. Nobody is keeping you here."

Lindsey narrows her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. "I want to go into my senior year with my best friend by my side. Literally and figuratively."

I stay staring straight ahead at the school with my arms crossed over my chest stubbornly. I refuse to back down, and there's no way I'm going in there willingly.

"Fine." She huffs, getting out of the car and slamming the door before walking around the car and opening the trunk.
"I guess you won't be needing this..." she trails off as she grabs my violin and starts walking towards the school.

My eyes widen and I scramble out of the car, sprinting to catch up to her and my precious Penelope.

Yes, I named my violin.
Yes, her name is Penelope.
Any more questions? No?
Thank you.

I plant myself right in front of her and glare daggers. "Let's not be children, Lindsey." She grins as she hands me my instrument and I sling it onto my back like a backpack.

"Low fucking move." I say, as we walk through the parking lot with our binders in hand.

Lindsey just slings her arm through mine with a huge grin plastered on her face.

I take a deep breath as we approach the doors, past a bunch of freshmen that are lingering in the courtyard. I can't ignore the nerves spreading throughout my body or the heartbeat racing through my chest.

"Oh my god, I'm the worst friend ever." Lindsey says before abruptly pulling me over to a bench on the sidewalk. "Oh my god oh my god."

"Um, Lindsey, could you stop being crazy person and come back to normal person?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"Skylar!" One word causes all of the color to drain from my face.


"Are you okay?" She asks, looking me in the eyes and grabbing my hands in hers.

"Yes, I'm fine." Am I, though? "We broke up two months ago. It's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Let's go inside." I start to stand up, but Lindsey grabs my hand and pulls me back down sharply. I sigh in annoyance and roll my eyes. "Look," I tell her, "I'm just going to avoid him and if he comes near me I'll start chanting exorcism spells and flick holy water in his direction. See, I've got it right here." I say, pulling a tiny vial of water with a cross on it out of my pencil pouch.

She laughs loudly, earning the attention of some freshman walking in. You can tell they're freshmen because of the wide eyes and the fear permanently etched into their features. "If you do that I will officially consider you my hero. Seriously though if you need rescuing call me and I'll find you." She says as she pulls me up off the bench with her. "And if he's really bothering you, tell an administrator." She warns, looking at me seriously.

"He won't bother me. I'm going to avoid him at all costs. So can we please go? We don't wanna be laaaaaate." I sing, grabbing her arm and pulling her up before heading into the building.


"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I say, probably too loudly, judging from strange looks I'm getting from my classmates and peers. I glare at them and check my schedule again, making sure I'm in the right class. Maybe there was another Claire Reyes in this class with her name on the seating chart lying before me.

Babysitting the Bad Boy's BrotherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang