I'm a little bit boring... and not very easy to interact with

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When my best friend pulls up to the curb in front of my house, the first words that come out of her mouth are "I just had sex with Devon Jacobson."

I choke on my lemonade when I hear those seven words, and sitting on my porch steps, Lindsey is patting my back as I cough for a good few minutes.

"What?" I choke out when I can finally form words.

"Sorry, I just couldn't wait to tell you." She says sheepishly.

"When did this happen?" I question, to which she checks the expensive watch resting on her forearm.

"Twenty minutes ago."

I jump up from the porch step and turn to face her. "You are touching me with sex hands! Sex hands, Lindsey. Your hair is dry which means that you haven't taken a shower and you're sitting on my porch with your dirty ass. Get up and get inside and take a shower and wash the nastiness off!" I yell, pointing to the front door. She rolls her eyes at my dramatic response and walks inside.

"I'm prepared to give you a full minute by minute summary when I get out, though. Don't go anywhere." she points to me and goes into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Devon Jacobsen is one of the varsity football players at our school. I've heard that he's funny, and you can't deny that he's attractive. Personally, I've never spoken more than two words to him, and I don't plan to either.

Deciding that I won't get any more practicing in now, I trudge into the kitchen and serve two bowls of ice cream before meeting Lindsey in my room ten minutes later. She's sitting on the bed texting, her damp hair resting in a bun on top of her head. She's helped herself to some of my pajama pants and my favorite shirt that says: "Julliard Athletic Department, Undefeated Since 1974!" I still smile when I read it.

Get it? Because Julliard is a music/theater/art school that doesn't have an athletic department? Ha ha.

I hand her a bowl and she takes it eagerly. "Thanks I'm starved. Devon can really-"

I cover my ears with my hands and close my eyes. "La la la la la I can't hear you!" A couple seconds later I open one eye, still not removing my hands. Satisfied with what I see, I remove my hands and start to dig into my ice cream.
"God, I can't believe you did the dirty with him, of all people. We're going to a clinic tomorrow because you probably caught seven STD's from that bacteria breeding pool called Devon Jacobson." I shudder at the thought.

She rolls her eyes. "Always the dramatic one," she says, shaking her head. "We used protection, thanks for the faith you have in me. And can you blame me for wanting to go down on that? He's hot."

"He's had sex with half of the girls in our school." I say with a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, so it comes out like: "hef hath sex wif half te girs in our fool."

"That's because he's hot. Duh." She says while simultaneously taking a selfie on snapchat.

I eat the rest of my ice cream in silence, knowing that it's no use to argue with Lindsey on this one.

"Can you believe school starts on Monday?" Linds asks, reaching over me to put the bowl on my dresser.

I turn to look at her in disbelief with my mouth agape. "How dare."


"How dare you say that word in my presence."


"No! Stop, it's too much." I lean back, placing my hand over my heart in pain.

"Be strong!" Lindsey says, grabbing both of my arms and shaking me.

We both break out laughing and she turns, laying on her back beside me.

She's right, though. It's hard to believe that school is starting back up in two days. It will be easy for Lindsey to get back into the swing of school. Everything is easy for Lindsey. With her shiny chestnut hair that is always curled to perfection, her pale porcelain-like skin, and her god-gifted bone structure, Lindsey never has a problem fitting in.

I get up to go brush my teeth and wash my face, finding Lindsey trailing behind me to do the same thing. She grabs her toothbrush (she keeps an extra at my house) and begins to brush her teeth as I wash my face.

She puts it in the holder and begins to wet down a wash cloth.

"No." I say, "again. You kissed Devon. Brush again."

She rolls her eyes and complies. After I'm satisfied with her dental hygiene, I turn and walk back into my room.

"In two days we're going to be seniors. Can you believe it? Almost done with high school. We're top of the food chain."

I sigh. "Yeah, time flies." I reach over to the lamp beside my bed and flick it off.

"This year feels different somehow." Lindsey says to nobody in particular.

"I disagree. This year feels exactly like all of the rest."

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