uh, i'm too small and weak to rob someone so you should give me a dollar

9K 253 46

Just saw that I hit 7k! Love you guys (4/18/17)
I really appreciate the people who voted on chapter 14 because let's be honest here.... that chapter was shit piss awful and this one will probably be the same lol ok bye


The past few days haven't actually sucked too much. For example: Skylar hasn't spoken a single word to me since I socked him in the nose. I've also bonded somewhat with that German Shepard that occupies our house. She even slept in my room last night (not on the bed of course, I'm still not sure if I trust that she won't spontaneously try to kill me). My dad hasn't yelled at me for punching someone, which means that he either hasn't found out or he just doesn't care.

It's probably the latter. He never completely approved of Skylar (not that he's actually approved of anyone), but Skylar was probably the closest to gaining my dad's approval that I'll ever get.

Thinking of Skylar makes me want to punch him again, so I am moving away from that topic.

Lindsey and I are on our way to a 10:30 am movie right now. My trusty violin rests peacefully in the back seat (the backseat is the safest place for a child) and a new chainsmokers song blares on the radio.

"What are you gonna be for Halloween?" Lindsey asks out of nowhere as she clicks on her blinker to switch lanes.

"It's September..?"

"For one more week. Next week is officially Halloween month."

I shrug and turn my attention to the window. Lindsey groans. "Claire, we need to start planning."

"Why? I'm not going to a party."

Lindsey pouts but then sighs, pulling the car into the parking lot of the movie theater. "Let's go." She gets out and I do the same, but instead of making a beeline to the front door, I reach into the backseat to grab my violin. "What the fuck are you doing, Claire?"

"Grabbing my violin." I am met with a questioning stare as if to say: really, Claire? So I explain in a way that she can understand: "car too hot. Violin go bye bye."

"It's only 70 degrees outside." She says as I slice my arms through the back straps.

"Stop bickering with me! God, a car in 70 degree heat can get up to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't just carry Penelope around because I have to, I do it because it is necessary. It costs more than my car, Lindsey."

"Whatever. Let's go inside."

"Eugh!" I throw my hands up and follow her in, not really having the patience to talk to her civilly. At least you can't talk too much during movies.


After the movie ends, Lindsey takes me back to my house to drop my violin off, insisting that we have to go shopping for Halloween costumes.

It isn't even fuckin' October yet.

The temperature is dropping fast and I suspect it is because a storm is going to roll in later tonight.

"Care to explain to me why we didn't just go to the Clackamas mall?" I ask in annoyance. Lindsey is dragging me through the streets of downtown, much against my will. I keep running into people and stumbling thanks to her maniac ways of doing everything. And a bonus is that it's considerably colder here due to the fact that we're getting hammered by frigid winds coming off of the Willamette. Today is a considerably cold day, compared to the seventy degree weather I've been used to. It's the end of September, and the leaves haven't even begun to change colors yet. And here we are, suffering through a random wave of forty degree temperatures.

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