Jungkook then took the time to relay over both Yoongi and Hoseok's behaviors over the past two days. Now focusing on the overly moody Yoongi who snapped at anything and everything, drowning everyone out with his headphones and staring wistfully at the wall of un-given tattoos, clenching and unclenching his jaw. He thought of Hoseok, who's bright smile had seemed dull and forced, as he tried to put on a facade for customers, but Jungkook understood now, that he was in pain inside as well, as much as the rest of them.

They all needed Taehyung there. Jungkook needed Taehyung. Because without Taehyung, each man cascaded into a world of darkness full of worry and fear and clueless knowings. Taehyung was their sunshine. Taehyung was their moon. They needed Taehyung to keep the tattoo parlor rotating on its axis.


(so sorry if that last snippet didn't make sense, I don't really know what I'm writing rn, welp)

Jungkook parked his car a block away from the tattoo parlor the following morning, his mood low and hopes squandered. He didn't feel like parking in the employee lot behind the shop, thinking that walking the extra distance might help clear his head.

It had been another restless night, dreaming of a certain blonde; where he was, what he was doing, and if he was safe. Jungkook didn't know what was happening to him. He was crumbling in a span of less than 72 hours away from the younger, his stomach in a constant twist of knots, churning like the ocean on a windy day. It was honestly scary, how attached he had come to be with Taehyung, in the short time they had known each other. Taehyung was just so adorable, so small, and fragile; Jungkook had felt the immediate need to protect him, even as his heart fluttered in a way it shouldn't the first time he laid eyes on the young tattoo artist.

Jungkook sighed as he ran a hand through his tousled hair, before exiting his car and beginning the short walk down the street to the tattoo parlor. The cool air was refreshing, that much he could say, as the chilly morning air struck his face, his nose tinting pink against the breeze. It was calming, to get out and clear his head. It allowed him to take his mind off his worries even for a sole moment, knowing that they would return the moment his foot crossed the threshold of the small shop.

It was still early in the morning, not even 8 am, but Jungkook had taken to showing up long before opening in the last few days. Maybe it was because he enjoyed the quiet tattoo parlor before the other men showed up, bringing with them an even greater depressing aura with them, or maybe it was the subconscious fact that he knew Taehyung liked to arrive early.

Jungkook almost jumped out of his shoes when he spotted the neon purple sign shining brightly against the morning light a 1/4 of a block away. He practically sprinted the rest of the way, the store looming upon him in less than two minutes as excitement and hope engulfed him. He shoved the door open quickly, expecting to hear the familiar sound of the tattoo gun whirring as Taehyung worked away in his station, perhaps a new addition to his own growing archive, but to Jungkook's dismay, the store was eerily quiet, and the hallway pitch black. Jungkook fumbled for the light switch, feeling his optimism falling. The hallway lit a moment later, the bulb flickering as the electricity rushed through it. Jungkook blinked before walking down the corridor, his steps hurried, as he hung on to the last shreds of hope he conceived. He rounded the corner into the front part of the shop slowly, however, his heartbeat quickening in anticipation.

"Taehyung." He whispered, stumbling forward as he caught sight of the blonde dozing soundly on the couch in the center, his soft snores being the only sounds emitted. Jungkook swelled with happiness feeling as if he could jump for joy.

Taehyung was still in his pajamas, again; plaid shorts and a plain black tee-shirt, although he must have been cold because he also wore am over-sized blue jacket that swallowed his form. His blonde hair fell in a cascade over his eyes as he slept and his mouth was parted slightly. Jungkook came to realize that Taehyung had had to have been at the tattoo parlor for some time-his left wrist was wrapped tightly in a fresh set of bandages, as well as there was a small patch bandage covering the twin armbands he sported on his right bicep-telling Jungkook that the male had to have come in far earlier to start and complete the new tattoos he sported. Jungkook felt the all too familiar itch to uncover what he was hiding but shoveled it down, too happy to see the blonde well and back at work. He rushed forward quickly, disregarding the fact Taehyung was sleeping and wrapped his hands around the younger's back pulling him into a sitting position. Taehyung awoke on contact, yelping, before realizing who it was, relaxing his muscles almost immediately and nuzzling his face into Jungkook's chest, inhaling his scent; minty with a splash of vanilla.

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Where stories live. Discover now