Painful Memories

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Estella stood looking at Amelie Blackwood, biting her tongue. Her mother shook her dazed expression off her face and nodded.

"Good," she answered stiffly. "Your Imperius curse is quite powerful. However, you must work on your Legilimency."

"I TRIED," Estella plopped on the floor with a growl. "Your mind is too hard to read."

"And so will be many others," her mother snapped, brushing her robes. "Do you honestly expect the Dark Lord to make it easy for you? That he's simply going to sit there and let you play hero?"

"No," Estella spat hotly, her temper rising. It had been a stressful summer with her parents gone more and more often for Death Eater meetings and when they were home, she was submitted to lessons of the Dark Arts and its defense. It had been draining and exhausting and as she had no contact with her friends, Estella was at her wits end.

Her mother shook her head, eyes cold. "Honestly.."

"LEGILIMENS!" Estella bellowed, thrusting her wand. And immediately she was sucked into another time.

She was a small Amelie Blackwood, gazing into a mirror. Ginger locks tumbled down her waist of and she wrinkled her nose at her black dress.


She spun around and saw a young boy standing there. He had pale blonde hair and a pointed face, with grey eyes that gazed at her curiously.

"I'm Lucius Malfoy."

Amelie gave a small smile. "Amelie Blackwood."

The boy shook her hand without breaking their gaze. "You're pretty."

The scene flashed forward and suddenly Amelie was standing in the Astronomy tower looking at the pair again. They appeared quite older, around her age.

"Lucius," Amelie pleaded, her eyes shining with tears. "You can't."

The boy shrank away from her outstretched hand. "Amelie please.."

"No Lucius," Amelie sounded tearful and Estella watched in astonishment. She had never seen her mother so distraught. "We can make this work."

"WE CAN'T." Lucius rubbed his forehead as Amelie shrank away from his outburst. "Don't you understand? The Dark Lord wants me to follow him and to refuse would be a guarantee of death. For you and I."

Amelie stood and placed her hands on his shoulders, turning him around. "Then let's run away. Lucius let's go. We can hide until all this is over."

"But would it ever be?" Lucius sat down miserably before turning to look at Estella's mother. "There's nowhere we can be safe." He stood and straightened his clothing. "It's my duty as a pure blood. Goodbye Amelie."

Estella watched as Amelie stood in the dark tower, heartbroken. As she turned to go, Estella saw Lucius look back. The expression on his face was pure regret.

Estella came to with her face smashed into the tile floor, breathing in the clean smell of her dining room. Her mind was racing and she picked herself up dizzily as she locked gazes with her furious mother.

"Never a word to anyone about what you just saw," Amelie hissed, her eyes blazing.

"But.." Estella's stepped forward and Amelie took a step back.

"No go upstairs now. You shouldn't have seen."

Estella hesitated and her mother stiffened. "GO!"

She turned and hurried up the stairs, panting for breath. As she turned the corner she heard her mother mutter darkly.

"Good job. Just like your mother."

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