19. Love To Go To Hell.

Start from the beginning

"I'm not making a move... well, actually-" Luke cut himself off, he knew Annie would literally kill him if she found out that Luke told someone about their secret actions, especially the kissing. He shook his head, hoping Calum would move on but of course he wouldn't, he's the most stubborn person Luke knows.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Calum's attention was on his phone, as he went onto Instagram and search the girls name, wondering if she would come up. She did, and to Luke's dismay she wasn't private, meaning Calum had every right to stalk her Instagram.

She didn't have too many posts, 22 to be exact, and they were mostly when she was dressed up to go out. She had one from the wedding, with her beautiful dress and hair and shoes and face all perfectly visible.

Calum saw a photo of both Annie and Nina, from Halloween this year, a couple days after Luke started seeing Annie, so it wasn't a shock that he didn't know that she went out. Annie was the devil and Nina was an angel, their costumes matching and their hair both straightened, their makeup looking scary but amazing.

Annie's hair was a lot longer than Nina's, as Nina only had shoulder length hair and Annie's was down her back, even longer when it was straight. Annie's dress was red latex and tight, she looked quite literally like the devil, and Luke would sure love to go to hell.

Luke gulped down the dirty thoughts that started to appear in his head, leaning back and flicking Calum's arm when he whistled. "Oh c'mon, can you blame me? Nina looks fucking hot and Annie-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Luke hissed, grabbing Calum's phone and turning it off, chucking it on the carpeted floor.

"Alright, alright," Calum placed his hands in the air for surrender, grabbing his phone back and just shoving it in his pocket, "You didn't answer my question. When'd you last see her?"

"Why'd you care!" Luke flailed, shaking his head and then having to listen to Calum rant about how important Luke's 'not-so-love-life' was to him, so Luke gave in and mumbled, "This morning."

"This morning! Did you stay over last night?" Calum's voice held something more than shock, it sounded as though he was proud, which kind of annoyed Luke as it made him seem incapable of ever staying at a girls'.

"Well, yeah, but it wasn't like that." Luke hated talking about Annie to Calum, to anyone actually but especially Calum, because there weren't many doubts in his mind that Annie would choose Calum over him one day.

"So what you're trying to tell me is that you spent Christmas with an extremely smoking hot woman and stayed the night and nothing happened?" Calum crossed his arms, finding it very hard to believe that nothing happened between the rather intimate pair.

"Uh, yeah?" Luke knew Calum had caught him in his web, he had an annoyingly persistent way of getting the truth from Luke, or maybe Luke was just easy to crack. "Ok we might have kissed but it wasn't that big."

"Yes! I knew it! Get in Lucas!" Calum got Luke in a headlock and ruffled up his hair, playfully shoving him as he felt pure joy for his friend. "Did you fuck?"

"What? No! we went to the dog shelter and I got Petunia."

"So instead of having sex with this stunning woman you bought a dog? You're not alright, there's something wrong with you, like seriously wrong." Calum shook his head, before placing it in his hands and groaning.

A few more hours passed before Luke realised he should probably start walking to the dog park, since it was about 20 minutes from his house. He was putting Petunia on the lead, expecting Calum to say goodbye before heading home himself, but instead he stood next to him, ready to leave.

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