"You did it Misun!" He cheered holding me closer.

Hoseok jogged towards me and walked to my right, pretending to be a security guard.

"She is on her way. On her way," he said serious as Jimin continued with his little game behind me, observing around.

I stopped my steps and turned around. "Go to your places." I shushed them away. Tae gave several bows and ran away with giggling Jimin, meanwhile Namjoon pulled Jin's shirt as he gave a silly dance. Hoseok pushed Yoongi who came running to give me a strong hug.

"Quick hug before you go," he whispered as we embraced on the catwalk.


"Great work okay bye." He quickly untangled himself and ran with Hoseok who kept giving thumbs up. Deep in my heart I knew it took bravery for Yoongi to run towards me and say those kinds words. I could tell by his red face when he sat back on his seat. I giggled at his humble words and turned to my left spotting Jungkook's body still standing beside me.

"I-" He stuttered and grabbed my hand with his warm hands. "Congratulations, beauti-"

"Jungkook!" Namjoon yelled from the back.

"Gotta go," he whispered and ran back to the gang.

I continued my way to the award and received it on my hands as I stood shocked in the middle of the stage. Camaras flashing everywhere, all focused on me.

I've never had so much attention.

My hands began to sweat so bad, my throat was dry and I forgot how to breathe.

Just don't die on national television Misun...

"Well," I spoke to the mic hearing my voice eco around the arena. "I-I'm thankful for this award. It's my first award on anything and I want to thank my fans for being there every time and not letting me go even for the dumb things I do."

I chuckled and turned to the boys who were staring with proud eyes. I spotted Taehyung pointing at himself and muttering for me to thank him, Namjoon noticed and slapped his hands down making me laugh.

Jungkook sat there with the biggest smile on his face. He looked so pure and genuine, he took my breath away.

"I wanna thank Bts for letting me tour with them and teach me so many things about this industry and being the best 7 brothers I could ask," I cleared my throat and looked at the fans. "I want to thank my family... My Mother and Father... Siblings... I will remember this day forever. I am so nervous sorry..." I took a look at the award and read my name as my heart pumped. "All I can say is thank you. I hope to not let you down."

Everyone gave a big hand of applause as I strolled backstage to answer some questions from the press. Everything went perfectly, I stuttered in some answers, but apart from that, everything went fine.

"Congratulations!" Rose and Lily came running towards me and gave me a big hug just as I got into wardrobe . "We knew you would win."

I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I gave a big smile, they untangled themselves from me as I try to control myself. "I won!"

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