Prologue 2/3: Humiliation for All to See

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Scourge: Oh, it was nothing.

Orange Angel: Dark Squid. Someone is joining Meggy in the war and we don't know it until now. It looks like a cat.

Dark Squid: I think she has way too many friends fighting by her side. I'll do something horrible to her that it'll damage her for a long time.

Dark Squid got out a knife and went out of the base to start spying on that certain cat, until Thief stopped her.

Thief: I'm coming with you, Dark Squid. I wanna help you take that furball down.

Dark Squid: Alright. Come with me, Thief.

Dark Squid and Thief walked out and started to spy on the cat, who was actually Angelina Jeveret, and they both started to wait for the right time to strike.

Just later, another story was being told by Off the Hook.

Pearl: In what else is happening in Inkopolis, we have a war coming in 2 days.

Marina: What we're gonna tell you is very important once the war comes and starts. Stay in your homes. Lock your doors. Close your windows and blinds. And go to your basements.

Pearl: This war is very serious stuff, so in order to stay alive, do all of that.

Marina: Wait a minute. That previous story about an Inkling naked. Was that really newsworthy?

Pearl: We'll talk about it later. Anyways, that's all the time we have. So until next time...

Pearl and Marina: Don't get cooked. Stay Off the Hook!

Back to the heroes, they all watched what Pearl and Marina said, and they all hoped for all the citizens of Inkopolis to be safe.

Meanwhile, Mario was still searching for Meggy all over the castle, but he then found her on the roof crying her eyes out. He walked over to her, and she saw him beside her.

Meggy: Oh... hey Mario. (continues crying) Just don't look at me. I'm just a big joke now. Thanks to whoever sent those photos, my life is ruined!

Mario was starting to get very worried for her, sat beside her, and patted her back to calm her down.

Mario: Meggy... this situation... I don't know what to do about it. I can't help you! Things won't be alright!

Meggy stopped crying to see Mario crying.

Meggy: Why are you crying?

Mario: I cannot help you out. I'm so sorry I let you down!

Meggy: Mario. You said things won't be alright, but they might. Maybe it will be something people might forget about in a month or so.

Meggy (thoughts): Wait. Why am I solving my own problem just now?

Meggy then got a text on her phone and it was a series of black ink splats arranged and typed to look like an angry face. She remembered seeing this type of symbol on many things Dark Squid did, and it was her calling card. She then found out who did this and started to get pissed.

Meggy: I thought she was done with this, but apparently she found those same photos of me naked that Scourge took and decided to send this to live television just to... f*ck with me!

Mario stopped crying and saw Meggy like this and started to become angry too.

Mario: Things really will be alright after all, Meggy. Dark Squid will be stopped.


Meggy ran back down to the main hall of the castle, with Mario following.

Meggy: Don't just sit there watching TV, everyone. We still have training to do!

SMG4: Looks like Meggy finally calmed down.

Meggy: Just train already! I ain't got all motherf*cking day!

Meggy then forced everyone to train harder and more powerful than the last time.

ReaderFromWR: Meggy, just take it easy there.

Meggy: Aren't you supposed to be training?!

ReaderFromWR: Oh, sorry, Meggy.

Everyone started to train faster and harder than ever before, and Meggy has such a rage built inside of her, and it's still out.

Days until the war: 2

Only one more part of the prologue remains, and it'll be released tomorrow. I'll see you there.

Meggy really didn't deserve all of this to happen to her.

SMG4: Infinity Woomy (Mario X Meggy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن