Is your refrigerator running?

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This is my favourite joke of all time... i know it's stupid and stuff but i can't help it! it gets me every time! :L when i say it to my friends i always crack up half way and they just look at me and shake their heads... they have heard it from me so many times :L like the actual version! not the one that i say down there in the convo.

and also, does anyone else notice the "MAYBE"? i have no idea where that came from and i did not put it there.... but it's really funny :L  k enjoy :P

---------------------------- OOOOOOOOmEEEEEEEgLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLe-------------------

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! - MAYBE

You: HEY!!!

You: is your refrigirater running?

You: *refrigerator

Stranger: ill pretend i dont know where this joke is going, and say yes :)

You: oh

You: okay

You: well then

You: you don;t need to call a guy in to fix it

You: *don't


You: ;D

Stranger: thats new! :) haha asl?

You: yes, yes it is

You: :P

You: 15 f

You: auzzz

You: you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected


This is the actual joke for anyone who is wondering:

x: Hey! is your refrigerator running?

y: uhhhh yeah?


hahaha cracking up even as i write this.... :P if you are again wondering, i never heard this joke until like a year ago so it was really new to me and i thought it was sooo funny when i heard it :L and i still do :L

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