Mr Horny

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Right Guys!!! this was actually a pretty interesting convo!! hahahaha i didn't include all of it, just the funny part, cuz it got into a really good convo after that and it was cool! we became friends! very interetsing guy! we talked for a few hours after that xD well enjoy!!

comment! vote! AIRCONDITION! i wuv you all! xD

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: 15 m Horny as f*ck looking for any female

You: Halloooooooooooooooooo

You: Nice to meet you Horny

You: im Mary

Stranger: Asl?

You: :D

You: 15

You: f

Stranger: S?

Stranger: Are you horny ?

You: not really

You: are u?

Stranger: Yea, that's why I'm typing slow lol hard to type cause one hand is a lil busy

You: Oh?

You: did it go off to the shops to buy something?

Stranger: No,

Stranger: Its stroking my c*ck

You: :O

You: i have always wanted a pet rooster!!!

You: whats it like?

You: does it make a lot of noise?

You: whats its name?

Stranger: Idk, it's kinda lame in the morning when I'm trying to sleep

Stranger: And his name is curvan

You: that is a very interesting name

You: i have a pet sloth

You: his name is Sir Sloth

You: :D

Stranger: Theat

Stranger: Thats pretty un inventive

Stranger: Of a name

You: it suits him well

You: =]

Stranger: If I had a sloth, I'd call that nig roger

Stranger: Roger is a good sloth name

You: who names their pet sloth roger?

You: apart from you

You: like

You: what kind of name is that?

You: o.O

Stranger: A sloth name,

You: no

You: its a human name

Stranger: Pfft >_> not even

You: yes!

You: its like a pilots name

You: like someone who flies a plane

Stranger: Captain rodger!

Stranger: ?

You: yes

You: =D

Stranger: "WERE LOSING ALTITUDE CPT. Rodger!!!!!"

Stranger: Like that?

You: Roger that! sending backup immediately!

You: yes yes

You: very good

You: haha

You: :D

Stranger: Cool

Stranger: So where are you from?

You: The Great Southern Land

You: you?

Stranger: Hahaha new Zealand? Australia? Florida?

Stranger: Im from southern california

Stranger: Holly wood, pretty much

Stranger: Like an hour away

You: I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of ragged mountain ranges,

Of droughts and flooding rains.

I love her far horizons,

I love her jewel-sea,

Her beauty and her terror – 

The wide brown land for me!

You: recognise that?

You: :O

You: oh thats so cool!

You: ive always wanted to go to America

Stranger: No I dont

You: :O

You: *dies of shock*

Stranger: Sorry I'm lost -__-

You: hahahaha

You: want me to send u a map so you can find your way back again?

You: :P

You: i am from Auz!

You: ;D

Stranger: I googled that shit

Stranger: Hahaha

Stranger: I figured it out

You: LOOOOLL its a poem

You: or part of a poem

You: that is apparently

You: iconic to australia

Stranger: Hmmmm

Stranger: If there was a poem for where I live it'd be

Stranger: "roses are red

Stranger: Violets are blue

Stranger: Smoke weed every day

Stranger: Is what you should do"


You: i like you Mr Horny

You: your funny

Stranger: Hahah I made that up on the spot,

You: very well done!

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