Food makes me happy

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Convo done by @Hatsy_Winchester!! so many fav lines from this convo!! but the top one would have to be "a human fart?" bwahahaha classic convo!!


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hiiiiiii

You: I'm bored

You: :)

Stranger: bored male ha ah

You: Haha bored female xD

You: What's up?

Stranger: so wat can i do for u?

You: Just talk lol what else are you meant to do?

You: How old are you?

Stranger: 21

Stranger: yes i can talk only ha ha

You: For real? -_- people lie a lot of the time

You: Promise you're 21?

Stranger: yes ill promise u

You: So where are you from?

Stranger: inida

Stranger: u?

You: I figured

You: I'm in Australia

Stranger: ok

You: Aren't you going to ask me?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: wats ur age

You: Loll that's not what I was thinking but okay

You: I'm 19

You: Aren't you going to ask me that other thing?

Stranger: i know wat i have to ask

Stranger: lol

You: People ask all the damn time and it's so annoying -_-

You: But the answer is usually yes.. lol

Stranger: ok so shall we start now

Stranger: lol

You: Start what?

Stranger: chat

Stranger: dirty

You: Haha I meant aren't you going to ask me if I'm hungry?

You: What else did you think?

Stranger: he he

Stranger: u know wat i think

Stranger: ok i want to spend some time

You: Do I?

You: Spend some time doing what exactly?

Stranger: any thing that makes u happy

Stranger: lol

You: Food makes me happy

You: I like cheeessee xD

You: Do you like cheese?

Stranger: he he i dont like it

Stranger: lol

You: You don't like cheese? :O :O

You: Are you human?

You: You must not be

Stranger: hmmm

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