Serious Author Note to clarify everything

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SO HAII GUYS! this is actually very important and i would really appreciate it if you read this. starting off with how people send in convos!! 

If you want to keep sending them in by wattpad inbox then that is fine but if you want to send them in by email because you might think it is easier just tell me and i will give you my email ;)

NOW i have some sad news :'( but it's temporary so it will be fine. i don't know how to say this nicely but can you please not send in any convos for a while? like a just a little bit because i have some convos that i have done and would like to post =] if you do send them in then i won't post them till i finish posting mine. k thank you, i hope you all understand

Next i have decided that this book will end when it reaches 100 parts, then i shall upload the story me and my friend are co-writing and possibly go with that and after that book i will start another omegle book... what does everyone think of that? the book will be humour, romance and completly random =] i am doing this for some people who asked me to and they know who they are =]

finally i shall be uploading a short  story like tomorrow (which will have 6 parts including prologue) and i would like you all to check that out too please. it's about that chainmail thing that is going around wattpad recently. i think its romance... haha yeah so please chek out the prologue which i will be uploading tomorrow!

i think that is all

i love you all <3 My Habibi's <# hope to hear from you all soon! xDD

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