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okay from now on there will always be a funny vid so WATCH IT! k moving on...

                                         --------  OmEgL ----------                                                       e


How many kids can you beat up before breaking a sweat?

Stranger 1: 4

Stranger 2: Depends. I can take about 10 toddlers without sweating.

Stranger 2: Never tried older than 5.

Stranger 1: you train hard man!

--------                                       --       OmEglE                      --              -------------------------- - 

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello! My name is Ron and I am 19 years old and I have red hair and blue eyes. Nice to meet you.


Stranger: Hahah .:P

Stranger: No, Ron Bergström from Sweden

You: Hi Ron Bergstrom!

You: I don't know how to put the cool dots above the o

Stranger: Heh. :) You need a Swedish cumputer for that. :)

You: darn!

You: How are you doing Ron Bergstrom?

Stranger: Haha. ;)

Stranger: What is your name?

You: Call me Ishmael

Your conversational partner has disconnected

                 ---------                     -                   OmEgeL   -               ------- -                                     -- 

Why don't you have a seat and tell me a little bit about yourself.

Stranger 2: Well I like long walks on the beach

Stranger 2: And sometimes I even like short walks on the beach

Stranger 1: Do you own a dog?

Stranger 2: If I'm feeling a lil crazy

Stranger 2: No I do not.

Stranger 2: Do you?

Stranger 1: Not anymore

Stranger 2: Did you eat it?

Stranger 1: No it died

Stranger 1: I buried it

Stranger 2: That doesnt answer my question

Stranger 2: Ah well in my country we eat the dead

Stranger 2: :)

Stranger 1: Stop making fun

Stranger 1: It hurts

Stranger 2: Im sorry <3

Stranger 2: Would you like a hug

Stranger 1: That depends on how you smell

Stranger 2: I smell like whiskey and whale cum

Stranger 2: Don't ask why, crazy night

Stranger 1: I'll probably pass then

Stranger 2: Ah okay

Stranger 2: If you ever wanna hug just lemme know

Stranger 1: Righto

Stranger 2: Have a good day

Stranger 1: You too

Stranger 2 has disconnected

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