The chapter i want you all to read

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hahahaha told you all you would know it when you saw it :P:P

anyway there are like 4 more chapters that i have from the people who sent me in their convos and i will be uploading them tomorrow!! or Monday. i would upload them today but i can't cause today is saturday and it's family time cause like every saturday night in SBS there is a Bollywood movie and our family loves those movies cause they have some good morals and the dancing and singing is absolutly fantabulous haha last weeks one was sooo funny and this weeks one is getting pretty good <3<3 do any of you guys watch bollywood movies? 

WHOANY i want to ask you guys two improtant questions and i want you guys to answer me PLEASE!!

i shall start of with the topic of ending this book.

when do you guys think i should end it? 

i had a thought that i should go up to 100 parts and then end it there and start a new one... so should i go up to 100 parts or more? tell me what you think

then i thought when i start the new one do you guys want that to be convos only done by ME and then another book of convo's done by all you wonderful people? or should i continue to do what i'm doing now? (and yes i will upload some convos that i have done myself soon if you were wondering :P:P)

Second question is instead of sending me the convos by inbox on wattpad, would you guys prefer to send it to my email? like it's my old email but i still check it... :P:P im wondering if i should do this because some convos get cut of cause they ae really long and sometimes when i put it in here, it goes all wierd with spaces and such. don't know if you have noticed but i have :P:P so yeah what do you guys think of that idea?


as for people that i have not replied to yet i am sooo sorry and i will reply to them either tomorrow or Monday!!! i would reply to them today but  cause i stayed away from here for too long i have like a gazzilion messages and books i need to read and continue to support and such so if that's YOU i am incredibly sorry and i will try and catch up!! bear with me =]

now i must go... Bollywood beckons me... 

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