Important Notice

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Guys this is not a chapter but i need you to read this!

you guys really have to read the authors notes at the beginning! it will provide you with useful information that you really need to know such as WHO wrote the omegle convo. seeing as heaps of you are sending in convos (WHICH IS GREAT might i add!!) credit should be given to the right person! it will prevent future mistakes and maybe even fights! i know that i usually ramble on and all that but i'm gonna just cut it down to who wrote the chapter and that's it from now on seeing as no one reads them :/

i hope this clears things up!! thanx for reading guys!! and thanx for sending in all your convos!! at the rate you guys are going i won't have to go on omegle ever AGAIN!! 

bahahaha but i will :P cuz i love you guys :P

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