Come get a grub... O.o

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This onneee is on question mode and for MAGIC lovers!! YAAY!! who deosn't love music?

oh woah see how tired i am? i wrote music instead of magic... haha and now i cbb getting rid of it... :/ what i was meant to say was "who doesn't love magic"?? hahaha have you guys watched "I dream of Jeanis"? well then YOU SHOULD and watch bewitched for the sake of it... :P:P

k well moving onwards... 

                                                            CONVO DONE BY ITSPERR


                                                                                 OmEgLe                                                    ---------

*Warning - please take no offence JB lovers k? k good. his songs are actually getting pretty good!...*

Question to discuss:

So tell me guys. Who are you? And how the fuck did you get inside my house?

Stranger: magic

You: we are wizards

Stranger: for both

Stranger: for me

Stranger: i don't know about them

Stranger: i am magic

Stranger: i used myself to get in

You: we are super secert ninja spys who just so happen to be wizards ( or at lease i am)

Stranger: i don't know his excuse

Stranger: i am just magic

You: you mean her?

You: i Am a female

Stranger: ok, so, you are a female ninja wizard, and i am magic

You: yeah, we are cool like that

Stranger: hah! i figured out how to get the other person't gender without sounding like a creep!

You: YAY!!!!! you forgot the spy...

Stranger: i can't get theirs

Stranger: unless i know them, which is hard to determine

You: i enjoy this question :{D

Stranger: so, you're a ninja wizard, they're a spy, and i'm magiv

Stranger: magic

You: yes.

Stranger: yup, that soounds about right

You: and then we joined forces to break into said person's home

Stranger: no, you just used me to break in

Stranger: i am just the manifestation of magic

You: do you feel used?

Stranger: always

Stranger: not so much anymore, though

Stranger: you humans have stopped using me, for the most part

Stranger: you are an exception

You: wow, i feel so special

Stranger: don't

Stranger: there are about a thousand of you magic-users left

Stranger: most of you figured out how to use me by accident

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