"Only one way to find out" he replied, excusing himself to call Sydney.

"It is lovely out there. Would make for some stunning photos" Nikki said. "We could set up a marquee in the outdoor arena. I'm sure Sydney could do something with the horses. And his allergies aren't that bad, he's just dramatic"

You coughed on your wine, giggling at her. "Oh, is he ever! You should've heard the moaning I had to put up with when I bought the wrong brand of protein powder! You would think that I had murdered Tessa or something"

Tom returned at that moment, a triumphant smile on his face. "Syd's in! She says we can do whatever we want. And by the way, the protein powder you bought me tastes like stale biscuits"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Right, so bridal party? Who would you two have?" Nikki interrupted.

"Well, obviously the boys. And Harrison would be my best man. Babe?"


"That's it?"

"I don't really have girlfriends!"

"Well make some!"

"Nikki, do you want to be a bridesmaid?" you asked her, half serious.

Nikki laughed. "Oh, thank you dear. But no, my days of being a bridesmaid are long gone"

"Well, I'll ask Sydney. She's the closest thing you've got to a sister. I'm not asking Lara, and I'm definitely not asking Lou. I really don't have anyone else..."


"Yeah but she's stupidly beautiful, I'll look like a potato next to her". Tom snorted into his beer, wiping his face where he had dribbled on himself. You smirked at him, shaking your head. "Well, I'm glad you're amused"

He pulled you into him, kissing your neck as you squirmed to free yourself, uncomfortable as always - you hated this kind of PDA in front of his parents. "You are the most beautiful potato in the world" he murmured in your ear, and you could hear the smirk in his voice. You elbowed him hard, the air whooshing out of his lungs. You freed yourself and pushed your hair from your face.

"Even if I did have Z, I would still be a bridesmaid short. You jerk" you muttered, glaring at him.

"You love me" he teased back, sticking his tongue out at you.

Nikki cleared her throat. "Guest list? Flowers? Invitations? Music? So much to do!"

Together, the four of you shared ideas and suggestions for the nuptials, Nikki keeping you all on track. It was decided that you two should be married in the summer, given that most of the people you would want from the States would be over for Spider-Man FFH filming anyway.

"What kind of dress do you want to wear?"

You shrugged. "Not a clue"

"Well, I'll help you go shopping! I don't have a daughter so I will have to live vicariously through my sons fiancée"

You smiled warmly at her. "I would love for you to help me Nikki"

She beamed at you. "Well, that's settled. Tom, suits?"

"Probably see Josh, his suits are always nice"

"Just don't be fancier than Y/N"

"Nah, he can be fancy if he wants. Keeps attention off me"

"That won't happen Y/N. You'll be the only one wearing white". Nikki said it offhandedly, but it made your stomach twist. You hated being the centre of attention.

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