It's Wrong, But It Feels Right-A Kol Mikaelson Romance-Chapter 25

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 "Mom?" I whispered.
  She came out of the woods like she knew exactly what she was doing. "How is this possible?" I asked.
  "Your not the only magical being." She said.
   "I brought your Mother back to life because I knew she would be the only one to drain your pwers from you." Mikael said.
  "I have never done a thing to you, why are you trying to hurt me?" I asked.
 "Oh? You've never done anything to us?"
  "Not that I recall." I spat.
 "You made our family break apart. Elijah, Nik, Kol....they fought over you and they became monsters. They didn't act out until you were invbolved with all goes back to you."
  "That is not true, I picked Kol because I loved him."
 "My son doesn't know love Alyah."
 "That's a lie, he does love me."
 He grabbed me and yanked me up by my hair. "If you want him to live then I want you to do something....a powerful spell that only two witches could manage."
  "What is it?"
 "I want you to create a stake that will kill Nik."
 "You want one of your sons dead?"
 "Its the coast for Kol's or the other."

     I stood in the cell room standing in front of a table. "Have you fetched the stake?"
 My mother placed the white stake onto the concrete table. "Have you gotton the blood."
 I looked at the vial of my blood. "Yes, now we only need yours."
  "I will give some when the process is started."
 I looked at the bowel and a large fire erupted. I slowly placed the stake, that didn't seem to burn, into the golden flames. I slowly started chanting latin words of the spell as I drizzled my blood over the fire and stake.
    It sizzled as my chants got louder and louder also as my mother's blood was gently laid over them.
I chanted the last time and the fire dissappeared. I opened my eyes and saw it...the white stake was now black with red lines all over it.
   "Perfect my you know the plan." My Mother whispered.
 I spun around to tell her I couldn't do it but she was she was never there. TBC
   AN: So this one sucks...I'm so sorry for those of you who have waited forever for me to post but it will get better and its coming to a end soon....I'm going to give it about two more chapters until its ended but I hope you liked it.

It's Wrong, But It Feels Right- A Kol Mikaelson RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now