It's Wrong, But It Feels Right-A Ko Mikaelson Romance-Chapter 23

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                                        KOL'S P.O.V
  "Why did you leave her?!" Elijah hissed at me.
  "I thought she was with me." I said back even though I knew what I have done.
  "Why did you let go of her hand?"
   "It was an accident. You think I would let her get hurt on purpose."
   "Yes I do actually." Elijah said as he clenched his fist onto the table.
   "Yes I let her go on purpose. Better her than me."
   "He was after her you son of a bitch!" Elijah shoved me into a wall and held me tightly against my throat.
   "You let her go now you need to help us find her." 
                                                           ORIGINAL P.O.V
  I moaned lightly as I opened my eyes. I was staring up at a swinging light above my head. I moved my head up and blinked. I tried moving my arms but I couldn't move. I knew I was chained because I could hear the chains rumble whenever I moved.
   "Your awaking."
   "Mikael?" I whispered.
  "Not exactly Mikael." 
 I opened my eyes to see a different man then who I thought it was. "You actually thought I was Miakel?" 
   I struggled to move and it hurt too much.
  "You won't be able to get out. It's vervain laced."
  "Who are you and what do you want?"
   "I'm a curious young lad about vampires. I found one and now I want to kill you."
  "Why do you want to kill me? I haven't done anything wrong." I whispered.
   "One of your kind killed someone I love and now I'll kill any vampire until I find the one that killed my family."
   "But that's not me. I haven't been a vampire long." I lied.
   "Your lying. I've seen you before. Drinking blood on the street. You're an Original vampire. I've done reserch on all of you."
   I felt a sting and looked at my wrists. Each had bubbly blisters from the vervain.
   "I was weak then. I don't harm no one anymore."
   "Your over a thousand years old. Basically unkillable. You can't die in the sunlight but it will burn you. You can only die at the hands of a white ash tree."
   "Bet you don't have that do you?" 
   "Not exactly but I know what to tourtre you with." 
   "Bring it on."
  I watched him bring out a flower. "Please not again." I whispered.
  "It won't hurt much." He placed it agianst my skin and I saw smoke. I screamed and he pulled it off. The blister didnt' heal.
   "This is what happens when a couple days without blood. You won't heal."
   "How long have you been doing this to me?"
   "Couple days. Almost a week." 
   His watch beeped. "It's time for sundown...know what that means?" I watched him go over to a window.
   I looked down and noticed my ring was gone. "No. Don't."
   "Oops." HJe ripped the curtin open and I screamed as the sunlight hit my skin.
                                           ELIJAH'S P.O.V
   I knocked on the door to Elena Gilbert's house. I could hear the conversation between Elena and Bonnie.
    The door opened and I saw Elena.
  "I have a favor to ask of your friend." 
   "I don't think she wants to." She said.
  "it's for Alyah. Something has happened to her." 
  She looked into the house. "Come in."
   I walked inside and saw Bonnie. "Just the person I came to see."
  "You said something about Alyah."
  I nodded. "She seems to be in danger and we can't find her."
   "Do you have something of hers so I can track her?" Bonnie asked.
   I took a brush from my pocket. "It has some of her hair in it."
   I looked at Bonnie who was giving me a strange look. "What?"
   "I just figured that Kol would be asking and not you." Elena said.
  "She means more to me than to Kol."
  "I can't track her."
  "Why not?"
  "I need blood of a relative."
  I clenched my fist. "But I could try mine." Bonnie said. 
  "You can't be a realtive."
  But that's where I was wrong. The blood on the map was working perfectly. It was finding Alyah. "Found her." I rushed to the table where the map was.
  "She's about three hours from here." 
  I studied the map. "Thank you." 
                                                              ALYAH P.O.V
  I couldn't move anymore. Blisters were everywhere. On my face, fingers, and I hope not on my legs. The vervain that he had placed on my neck, wrists, and ankles made me even weaker than anything else in the world.
   "Just let me go."
   "Still talking?" He opened my mouth then shoved the vervain in it. As much as it burned I didn't make a sound but let tears escape. "Thought you'd shut up." 
    He popped a blister on my skin and I gripped the side of the chair in agony. "Hurts doesn't it. This is how you would feel if you were human. Thirsty and wanting to be pain free. But you won't ever be normal again."
   "And neither will you?" I heard a voice say as a board collided with the mans head.
  When he fell down I saw Elijah. 
"Elijah." I whispered. 
 "Let's get you out of here." He ripped off the chains easily and helped me up. 
  "I think this is yours." I smiled lightly when he slipped the ring on my finger. 
  After drinking some blood bags and laying on the soft bed at the hotel I was better and like my old self.
  "Thank you Elijah." I said.
  "I owed you."
  "Because I did stake you."
  I smiled. "That was years ago."
  "But I never forgave myself." 
  "Did you reconize him?" I asked.
  "Yes I did." I said.
   "Who was he?" I asked.
   "He was a type of demon. My Mother danished him to the underworld at the village after the murder of his family."
   "Who did murder his family. He said it was a vampire."
   "It was but everyone thought it was him."
   "And who was the vampire."
   "I rather not say."
   "It was you. I removed it from your memory so you wouldn't harm yourself over the thought."
   "One more question," He nodded so I could continue.
"Why did you come and not kol?" I asked.
  "Because I have these feelings for you that I need to show." 
  "You never answered my question."
   "Because he never loved you as much as I. It was to screw with my head."
  "You lie."
  He stood and carassed my face softly. "I have never lied to you."
  I pushed his hand off. "He loves me. I'm sure of it." 
  i opened the door.
  "Where are you going?"
  "To prove that your wrong."  TBC
 AN: So what did you think? Should she stay with Kol or Be with Elijah? Let me know peeps!!!

It's Wrong, But It Feels Right- A Kol Mikaelson RomanceWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu