It's Wrong, But It Feels Right-A Kol Mikaelson Romance-Chapter 4

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I watched Kol give his brother the evil eyes before we were left alone. "Thank you for coming at the right moment." I said. "He will never get you. I would have to die first." He said. I pulled my lips up into a tiny smile before letting him take my hand. "You are my one and only love.....I hope you agree." I nodded. "I agree. More than anything." I said. For the first time I let his lips graze upon mine. Ever so slightly and gently before he stopped. My eyes opened slowly to see his beauty filled eyes. "I must go now....I will meet you back after nightfall." He let go of my hand. "I will be waiting." He slipped his lips onto mine once more before slipping into the heated day.

          I stayed up in my room, fixing the vines in my hair until the night came. Once the fire was lit I slipped from the window. When I got to the cave it was still empty. 'I must be early.' I thought before sitting on the rock. I must have fallen into slumber because when I opened my eyes I saw the sun start to rise. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. No signs of Kol ever arriving. I brushed the dirt from my clothes and walked into the light morning. When I arrived into the village people were scurrying with their lives but no signs of any of the Mikaelson family. When I walked into the hut Mother was setting fire to more of her shrubs. "Mother, what are you doing?" I asked her. "You need to stay inside at you understand?" She asked. I gave her a confused look. "I do not understand." She gripped my shoulder tightly. "You must stay inside. You must never leave the house alone." She pressed onto the burnt weeds with her hands and mixed some powder in them. "What is that you are making?" I asked her. She started spreading it all over the ground "Mother...what is going on?" She did not look at me. "The less you know would be best." As she went to spread it across the ground I found myself looking at the door. I looked back at her and she paid no attention. I then ran from the hut. "Alyah!" I ignored her and kept running. When I reached the Mikaelson hut I slammed my knuckles on the wooden door. No answer or movement. "KOL!? REBEKAH?!" I yelled. The door opened to reveal Esther. "Oh....I am sorry to be intruding but I was just wondering if Kol was feeling well." I said. "You must not come back here." I looked up at her strangly. "I do not follow." She started closing the door. "They do not wish to see you any longer." I stood there a long time after the door was shut on me. Once I finally moved I wandered back down to my hut. Mother grabbed me and shoved me into a wall. "What did I say?!" She screamed. "Do not worry. I have no reasons to go out anymore." TBC

It's Wrong, But It Feels Right- A Kol Mikaelson RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now