He made it look like she wanted it and tried to get revenge when she was rejected afterwards, presented her as a dishonest, rebellious teenager for drinking while underage and made it all her fault.

And people believed him. Because he's that goddamn good.

People believed him until one Snapchat story fucked it all up. Merely three days after Jungkook destroyed the poor girl on the stand, another teenage girl came forward with a video she had posted on her social media on the night the incident happened.

A video where there were people dancing, people drinking, people singing, people chatting, and one sixteen year old dickhead slipping a pill into a drink before offering it to the victim.

The video went viral. Every time the Jeons tried to take it down, it resurfaced. It wouldn't have been long until the video was discovered by the authorities, so they needed to act quickly. They tried to track down the origin of the video to destroy it, and that's where they fell into the trap. They tracked it down to a hacker the girl paid to diffuse the video for her, and said hacker didn't like them trying to sneak into his system.

So he fought back. He accessed their system, and he exposed them. Every single piece of evidence they buried, every single case they cheated on, every single loophole they used, every single witness they bribed or got rid of, it was all out in the open.

Jungkook was the first to know, and he didn't waste a second. He knew they were done for.

But while he was young, fresh and still in university, his brother was older and had his goddamn life's work on the line. If he went down, the entire firm went with him.

So Jungkook came forward, turned himself in, and took all the blame for the crimes every person at the firm contributed in. He pretended that they knew nothing and that everything that was buried was done by his own hands, and it somehow held up. After all, he was the one who handled most of the problematic cases. He was the one who made a rape survivor look like a liar on the stand.

He was the monster.

That's how Jeon Jungkook's empire fell down. Because of a fucking Snapchat story and a desperate urge to save his brother no matter what.


   Hoseok's night shift is finally over.
It's past five in the morning and he's just now walking into his apartment, ready to dive head first into bed without even bothering to change clothes. His muscles ache and his eyes feel heavy from fatigue. He can't wait to get a couple hours of sleep before he has to go back to work in the afternoon; finally some rest after a long, tiring night of patrolling around the prison and pretending he doesn't see Jungkook's minions coming in and out of the yard to get the drugs he smuggled in recently.

He needs to quit that fucking job. He wishes he could do it, if he could he'd do it right now, take his sister with him and get the fuck away from this place.

But he can't. He's trapped. He knows that he has to do what's expected of him. Daewon met Jeon Junghyun and that fucker decided to use her to get to Hoseok and make sure his spoiled goddamn brother was treated like a fucking king, and from that day, Hoseok's been their slave. He's been treated like a servant dog, taught to bring the stick to his master obediently, but if only it was just a stick. It just had to be drugs.

Hoseok feels relief washing over his body as he lets himself fall onto bed, muscles finally letting go of the tension they've been harboring ever since he got up. He breathes in, out, listens to the silence, enjoys the feeling of the cold, fresh bedsheets on his skin, allows his eyelids to fall shut slowly.

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