Chapter 11: Victory Calls

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Chapter 11: Victory Calls


Min Yoongi

With smirks plastered to our faces, Jimin, Taehyung and I made our way back, conveniently finding Jungkook as we arrived.

"Good work today you guys." He smiled, opening the van door and letting us in before hopping in himself.

"You did well too Jungkook." Taehyung chimed in.

Once we entered the van, Hoseok started the engine and sped off. To avoid suspicions, I grabbed my laptop from my bag and turned it on, beginning to fix the cameras back to the way they were. I felt everyone's confused gaze upon me, yet I stayed focused on what I was doing before I asked anything. Closing my laptop and putting it away afterwards, Jimin opened his mouth to talk.

"How did you manage to hide your laptop during the bag checks?" He inquired, his puzzled look remained on me.

Letting out a light chuckle, I glanced across at Jimin.

"My bag has a hidden compartment specifically for this laptop, so whenever I venture out during missions I can safely enclose it in a concealed space." I explained, taking off my cap that was a part of my uniform. "Can't wait to get out of these crappy clothes." I muttered.

Jimin smiled in acknowledgement, laughing at my last statement. "You and me both."

"What was all that numerical code you guys came up with?" Hoseok queried from the front of the van, Seokjin sat in the passenger seat beside him.

 "Essentially it's a way of communicating and letting people know what's happening." Jungkook started.

"It's fairly simple once you've gotten the idea, and I think we may need it for future missions too." Taehyung added.

"The way the code works is that each number is assigned to a letter, in the same order as the alphabet." Namjoon began to elucidate. "So 1 would be A, 2 would be B, etcetera."

"Mm care to give me an example?" Hoseok grinned, looking into the rear view mirror for a split second.

"Order 7-15 is good example from our mission today, with 7 being G and 15 being O, it's a pretty obvious message when you think about it." Namjoon stated.

"Ah I get it now." Hoseok exclaimed.

Kim Seokjin

Subsequently, we all made it back to the safe house. It had been an awfully long day, but we still had work to do. 

Dropping the duffel bag gently on the glass table, Hoseok unzipped it to reveal the immense load of documents that Taehyung had previously stuffed into the bag. Everyone sighed. It looked like way too much effort to deal with.

"You could've packed this a little easier Tae.." Yoongi groaned.

"We were running low on time I had to be quick." Taehyung snapped in reply, running his hand through his red hair.

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