Chapter 5: Prudence

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Chapter 5: Prudence

Park Jimin

I woke up early the next morning, knowing this mission would be a lot more difficult than our last one. Sitting up, I got up out of my bed and made my way towards the mirror, my hair was a little messy but it wasn't a big deal at the moment.

After fixing up and leaving my room, I walked past the main room and through into the kitchen. Jin was the first person I saw, he looked up from his phone and smiled, placing his empty cup on the side.

"You're up early." He started, looking down at his phone to type before looking up and locking it.

"Could say the same to you." I laughed quietly. I grabbed a clean cup and filled it with water, taking a few sips before standing against the counter beside Jin.

"Ready for today's mission?" I asked, glancing at him.

"It's gonna be difficult, but I like a challenge." Jin admitted.

I chuckled, "Yeah it's gonna be tough but I'm sure the worst is yet to come."

"That's a weird way to think about it." Jin furrowed his brows, holding back an amused laugh.

"Hey, don't judge the way I think!" I nudged him, shaking my head and giggling a little.


Again we left our safe house, piling into the van and driving away. Our first move was to find a good place to scope out who we were after. Either CEO besides Yang Daekeun. From other conversations, we all knew targeting the stronger CEO of the two would work best, as the apparently weaker one would be unable to handle the pressure, especially while Daekeun would be busy. The stronger CEO was Kan Mingyu and he was our target. He was a very intelligent man and he occasionally had meetings with foreign CEOs that were allies of E.C.T. Yoongi hacked into Kan Mingyu's registration log at E.C.T last night and set up a fake meeting with him, the person he was meeting was Jin, but he was to be disguised as Ryuu Ichirō, minister of foreign affairs in the company S.M in Tokyo, Japan. We all knew immediately after this Jin would have to change his appearance, but he didn't seem to mind as this wasn't the first time and he had done it numerous times before.

Hoseok had said there was a fairly tall building that would help upon the assassination, so that was the first place we went to.

Jungkook sat in the front seat beside Hoseok, his sniper rifle in grasp. The rest of us sat in the back, going over the plan to help successfully complete the mission at hand.

"So when we get to the building, Jungkook will be dropped off and then we'll drop you off near E.C.T." Namjoon referred to Jin. "Once you get in there, make your way to the fifth floor where the CEOs are and get in there to distract them."

"Okay, how will Jungkook know when to shoot?" Jin asked.

"And how long will they roughly have to do all of this?" I chimed in.

"Alright alright, one question at a time." Namjoon hushed. "Jin, we still have the ear pieces so everyone will still be able to communicate."

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