Hinata POV

I was going with the rescue team like Kimi-nee asked me too along with Neko. "I smell blood" Kiba said and Neji and I activated out byakugans as saw a few people lying around. What we saw was a disaster. Shizune was trying to help the injured comrades. I looked at Neko and she already knew. She nodded her head and I knew she already sent out a clone to report to Lady Tsunade. We avoided that area and kept going in the way to the Sound. Naruto got into an argument with Kiba about the other people that collided with the other five. "If we go there, we may find out some things...But we can't go in carelessly, so we will change the scouting position and close in by walking slowly." Shikamaru said. I was about to tell him what Neko did so that wouldn't be necessary but Neji beat me to it "If we go there, Sasuke will cross the border and be out of Fire territory." Neji said and I looked at Naruto "What are we going to do Shikamaru?" he yelled. Shikamaru seemed to think about this for a while as I summoned my griffin. "Summoning Jutsu" I mumbled and slammed my hand on the ground. And in a cloud of smoke my griffin, Athena, appears. "How can I help you today mistress?" she asked and I saw everyone looking at us. "Well Athena, up ahead I'm sure you can smell blood. Well I need to check it out and if there are any others there that have the same headband and I do then please help them." I asked her and she nodded. "Very well mistress." she said and took off flying. Shikamaru was shocked before he answered Naruto's question. "Ok, let's go after Sasuke." Naruto smiled and we went to forward. After a while Kiba suddenly yelled "Hey! The enemy's scent is all over this place!" "Everyone, stop!" Shikamaru yelled right after. All the boys stopped on a branch right under where Neko and I stopped. "Look up" Shikamaru instructed and we did as told. We saw five explosive bombs around us in barrier formation. Neji ended up voicing my thoughts "Barrier Seal?" Choji asked "Its a form of trap ninjutsu." Shikamaru and I say at the same time "Seal traps are activated when the enemy is inside the surrounded area." Shikamaru continued and I finished the thought "Its a high class ninjutsu. It was in a book I read at the library when I was bored." I said and he nodded. "We'll have to go around it." Kiba scoffed and we continued. We had went through a different area and it also had traps "Hey, hey, Naruto. There are wires at your feet. Don't get caught by them." Kiba said "I know." Naruto responded. Suddenly I noticed that there was a thinner string in the mix and Naruto was about to step on it "Naruto, watch out!" I yelled as Shikamaru used his shadow possession to stop Naruto. "Made it just in time." he said and I sighed in relief. I summoned my hawk, Kiken. He cawed at me and I placed my arm so he could land "Kiken, can you pick up Naruto and take him out of the trap that he is close to activating?" he cawed again and went for Naruto. Kiken might not be huge but he is strong. He can pick things up that are five times his weight. He is still a growing hawk so he'll get bigger with the years. Kiken did as told and brought Naruto to where Shikamaru was and then came back to me "Very good Kiken. Here you go." I said as I gave him a dead rat to eat. It was weird at first but after some time I got used to it. He cawed happily and ate the rat. After that he went home. I saw everyone starring at me "What?" then Kiba spoke up after a while of silence "You have two summonings?" I nodded "Yes. I got my griffin 2 months ago and my hawk from my trainer. Kimi-nee but him to train me because she was training the new Anbu recruits." "And your trainer was...?" "I can't tell you. It's meant to be kept a secret." I said and they nodded, satisfied with response. Shikamaru and Neji inspected the wires closely "One of the wires is easy to see because of the sunlight, but the other one is camouflaged in green." Shikamaru said "It's difficult to see with the naked eye. It's a double trap." Neji-nii said "It seems like their in a hurry, but it's a rather well-made trap" Shikamaru continued. "Meaning..." Shikamaru stopped as Neji-nii finished the sentence "They're resting. They must be injured. Or is it a trap?" Neji-nii finished with a frown on his face. Neji and I activated our byakugan and searched for them. We found them laying on the ground "Found them." we both said as Naruto and Kiba got excited. "All right, all right! We will bring Sasuke back for sure!" Naruto yelled excitedly. "Naruto. Sorry, but I'll be showing my new move this time." Kiba said smugly to Naruto. I don't think they noticed that we are all a bit tired and hungry. "Me, too" Choji added. I really don't think they noticed at all. "Don't rush it. Once my strategy is prepared, we will make contact with our target!" Shikamaru said and the rest of us nodded. I quickly took out a scroll and got the food I made earlier. I gave a bento to each person as Shikamaru strategized. After that we started planning as I secretly sent a clone to watch them. I knew we weren't going to be able to bring Sasuke back but I had to go along with this. There might be a chance he comes back but even if he doesn't I know he'll come back when he's done. Like he promised me he would.

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