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Guys tonight I'm gonna do double update because my story reached 120 readers and it's not a great number but since it's my first story I'm so excited..... All I need is voting guys do your best and thanks to all my lovely readers *kisses kisses*


Walking at 11 p.m isn't the best idea I ever came with. The city is so crowded, people are here and there eating, walking,stealing,drinking and also going on dates with their lovers. Every step I take I feel that every one is staring at me in a creepy way, as if I am a monster from outer space with three eyes and a squared face. The first place that popped into my mind where Noah probably will be is the café. I don't know why but I feel that he is there maybe because he knows no one here except me and the employees there.

Once I stepped into the café,his cast immediately caught my eyes,his leg was broken as I see. I couldn't decide if I should go and see what happened or just leave since I already checked on him. I can't see clearly what I should do or think. I feel that everything around me is blurry, I can't see through it and I need to focus in order to take the views behind it. I couldn't feel but my legs moving toward him. This time my mind was not able to race my heart and beat him in controlling me, in seeing through the dark. My heart was the one who is moving my legs, controlling my speech and making his job pumping the blood.

"Hey Noah! Are you okay?" He's staring at me like I am an idiot.

"Okay? You are asking if I am okay? Let me tell you miss: you slept outside the apartment last night, you haven't talked to me for a week, you've been treating me like a stranger and a liar while all I did was hiding from you something that will change your life forever. Now I'm the bad one right? Now I'm not capable of being your friend anymore ? I don't want your sympathy Stella, thank you." He was really irritated, his face was red!!!

"I-I don't know what to say." I turned on my heels and left a broken Noah behind me. He was breaking down slowly all of this week and I was just teaching him a lesson!!! His heart was shattering piece by piece and all I was thinking of was revenge!! What a cruel world, what a cruel me!!!!

I saw Carlos standing near the cashier staring at a table where a girl -hot girl may I add- was sitting at.

"Pretty huh?" I poked him to make him look at me.

"Yeah I guess so." His cheek instantly turned into a dark shade of red as if someone polished them.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you what happened with Noah, how did he break his leg and when?" All of a sudden, his expressions turned 180 degree! Shock expressions replaced the warm, lovely ones. What is wrong with you people today!!! I haven't seen anyone yet who is looking at me as if I'm only an ordinary teenager.

"What!! Why are you so shocked?!"

"Uhmm.. I guess because of the fact that you are living together and you know every silly single boring detail about him. I should ask you what happened with you both!"

"Carlos, please. I'm not in the right mood to explain what happened, so what was going with him last night? Again, before you ask, I wasn't last night there. I had...a-a sleepover." I send him an innocent smile to make him believe me. I am not usually from the liars type but now I'm really really not able to explain.

"Okay okay. He was at his apartment as usual cleaning the apartment and suddenly he slipped and broke his leg. He didn't know what to do or how to behave so he immediately called me instead of the ambulance and I rushed and saved him. I know, I know.. No need to applause, I'm a hero." I rolled my eyes at him and at how he is silly.

"Okay Superman!!And why was his room that messy?"

"I know right? I asked him that exact same question. He told me because he was in pain, literally he was dying from pain and he was searching in a hurry for his cell phone to call me, so he turned the room upside down to find his phone." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth thanking him and heading home. Now everything make sense.

*everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but youuu-uuuu

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't knowww-ow-ow

You don't know you're beautiful*

My phone suddenly rang playing the song 'What Makes You Beautiful' for the band One Direction - my favorite. I immediately answered without looking at the caller's ID.


"Stella, sunshine. How are you my little lovely Bambi." MOM!!! Yeah it must be her... It's her time to call and make my evening more miserable.

"Yes? What do you want? I don't have enough time." Sometimes I am so mean but she deserves it with no doubt.

"Stella my wedding is after six days. Haven't you decided yet if you want to come? Please, I need you, plus I called your school and took for you a one week vacation." She what???

"You what? What have you done?! Can you get out of my head forever??" I can't handle it anymore. "Look I will go tomorrow to Miami and I will be at your wedding, but after all this shit finish I will come back and all our connections will be ended.No more calling me, asking about me or even calling Noah to know about any small detail about my life. Understood?"

"As you want. But all that matters right now that you'll be beside me. Thank you."

I couldn't hold myself anymore.I was breaking down, literally I am lying on the floor crying hardly as if someone killed me or stabbed me in my heart. I kept walking like that back home, tears scattered with mascara all over my face making me look like zombies.

*Bryan's p.o.v:*

Crowded halls, vodka bottles thrown here and there, dancing teenagers and drunk ones. This is my house during Saturdays and Sundays. My parents are living in Miami and they are leaving me here with my aunt who is around 40 and she cares for no one but herself. She is on a date with her boyfriend who is younger than her by 10 years, creepy right? I know... And she's leaving me here alone.

I was vibrating when I realized that my phone was ringing and it was in my pocket, idiot me!!

Dad is calling, great!!! This week also I will be punished by preventing me from taking my weekly money if he knew about the party.

"Hey buddy, what's on?" Wow!!! He is cheerful tonight.

"Hi dad. What is it?!" He doesn't usually talk to me on weekends so I must say that there is something important.

"Ok I will get immediately to the subject. Tomorrow, you have to be at the airport at 11 a.m. You will come to visit us and we will show you around here a little and we have a wedding on Friday, so pack your stuff well and bring with you an elegant tuxedo. Deal? No more questions, objections or even orders. Bye!! Love you and mom says hi." He ended the call and left behind this call a shocked Bryan. Wow!!


Wow!! Right? What a coincidence!!??



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