Welcome into this world. (Finale)

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It's been nine months since I became pregnant. The child is due any day now. I hug my belly and snuggle up to Levi, who is reading a book. He's been smiling a lot since Isabel and Farlan have come back. I liked it. I liked seeing him smile and his happiness. He got worried during my pregnancy on multiple occasions. The first one being when my ankles got swollen. The second one being when I was hormonal and horny. Oh but ,uhh, Levi wanted to forget about that. I sigh and get up.
"What are you doing?" Levi fretted. "You should lie down and stay with me." I chuckle.
"I'm just going to see Isabel." I assured him. "Farlan will be there to." He gets up and picks me up bridal style. I began to feel a tiny pain in my stomach.
"I'll help you there." He says. I nod as the pain grows larger. I feel a little bit of water run down my leg. I look at Levi.
"L-Levi?" I stutter. "I think I'm-"
''(Name)!" I hear Isabel shout. "You're finally here!" The pain grows sharper and my vision blurs.
"What were you saying?'' Levi asked. I breathe heavily and point to my stomach.
And then it all went black......

I awoke in a hospital bed, resting. My lower region was sore. (Not like that ya pervs! -_-) I glanced over to see Levi sleeping in a chair with two blankets in his arms. One is pink, the other is blue but both are squirming. Levi awakens as if he sensed me wanting to hold the children. He smiles and hands me the pink one. She looked stunning. Her cheeks were rosy but her skin was pale. She had my facial structure but Levi's raven hair. Something about her made me quite happy. Her eyes were bright emerald green like Eren's and Isabel's. He then handed me the boy who had blue eyes like Annie and Farlan but my hair color. The baby also had pale skin like Levi. The girl's expression was stoic while the boy was just eating my hair.
"So," Levi whispered in my ear. "What do you wanna name them?" I chuckle and look at the girl.
"I'll name the girl, you name the boy?" I ask. He nods. "May. Her name is May." Levi nods and ponders in deep thought.
"Shu." He says at last. "His name is Shu." I smile and hold them close.
"Hey (Name)!" Isabel and Hanji yell to me. Mikasa and Farlan look at the pair annoyed and tell them to pipe down. Armin and Historia squeal at the babies and beg to hold them. Levi looks at me concerned. I nod to him and allow them to hold our babies.
"I'm an aunt!" Isabel sang. Hanji joined in.
"Me too!" She shrieked.
"No you aren't." Levi glared. "You aren't related to me nor (Name)." "I think of them as sisters though so you guys can be aunts!" I chirped. Levi sighs and looks down to the twins.
"Welcome into this world my brats."
"Welcome into this world my pretties."

16 Years Later

May is now 16, as is Shu. May is a strong independent woman. She is like Levi's twin. The pair get along well. Shu on the other hand is completely dependent on me. He comes to me whenever he needs help or has a question. He could be my twin. The twins often argue. However both will defend each other. I am glad to have given birth to such beautiful and kind children. Levi and I are so happy to see our children grow.
I wish Levi and I could have seen them one last time. Our souls rest peacefully in heaven.

The end~


Princess and the Thug (Levi x Princess! Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz