The school

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The name of the school 'Cassmilton High' was shining in the daylight as bright as a firefly . The noise of children playing in the field , girls gossiping and cruel laughters were not giving him good vibes but he tried to stay possitive thinking come on how bad can it be. He stepped inside with great optimism and smile . He quietly observed the groups of children standing in the hallway there was a group of girls talking and laughing as loudly as a lion's roar then there was a group of two boys and two girls holding boxes on which the word 'Donations' was printed beautifuly . Next zed turned for the stairs . When he reached his classroom door he took a deep breath as if he was going to a war zone . He stepped inside the class and as expected all eyes were on him . Zed in a low voice said " may i come in please ? " The teacher in a very harsh way said " Now that you are already in , you can . Are you new ? " . Zed nodded not daring to look up after his first impression on the teacher and students . " Okay looks like we have a new student class , zed would you mind giving your introduction " said the teacher . Once again zed nodded this time looking straight in the teacher's eye . He walked infront of the class and that little distance from the room to the front seemed a long journey to him . Finaly when he reached the front  " Hi everyone i'm Zed kenneth jones . I just moved here from Tom town . I am a little shy and i like to play chess" . " Tom town , hahahaha really my servants live there " said a voice from the back . " Thats not very nice to say to a new student Michael " . Said the teacher . " Zed we all welcome you and i hope you have a wonderful first day . By the way i'm Miss Jessie your social studies teacher. You may take that desk behind Courtney okay? "
Zed nodded and took the desk .
" Class as you know that we have completed chapter 5 Minerals and soils so tomorrow it will be included in the test along with chapter 4 earth core . Take out your notebooks and start writing " . Saying this Miss Jessie stood and started to scribble some geography stuff . After an hour the bell rang for break and zed knew it was going to be dangerous .

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