Chapter 112: The Dark Cloud

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When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 112: The Dark Cloud

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

The sun had reached the middle of the sky before he was able to move with no sense of dizziness. When he was able to sit on the soft transfigured object under the scrutinizing eyes of his deputy. Minerva had insisted on staying with him and even forced him to drink and eat a bit.

He'd relented just to get her to stop nagging and hoped that the woman would leave before she started asking questions and studying him with those inquisitive catch-all eyes of hers.

He took his last drink of pumpkin juice and set down the cup. He enjoyed the silence for a few seconds before the peace was interrupted.

"Now that you seem to feel and look better, I want to tell you something."

When he looked back at her, he saw a small hint of distress in her eyes.

"Haven't you already told me enough? Careful, Minerva, my evil might rub off on you." He sat up in small increments.

"Oh, please, drop your facade, Severus. This is already hard enough for me." Minerva crossed her arms and he suddenly felt like a student being scolded. "The teachers are going to attack you."

He didn't let the surprise he felt show on his face. Why in the world this woman was telling him that?

"I expected someone to challenge me, but I didn't think they'd stop that low."

Minerva smirked. "Do you honestly think anyone on staff thinks they could beat you in a duel Severus? That's why they all want to attack you at once."

"Have they lost their minds? It would only serve to irritate the Dark Lord. The consequences of it will be disastrous."

"I tried to convince them the idea was stupid. When I did they implied I might be supportive of the death eaters."

"Now, I'm sure the world has gone mad. Has someone drugged them?"

"When people are under extreme stress, common sense isn't the first thing they rely on. After they showed their unwillingness to listen to reason, my only choice was to warn you." She sighed. "I feel like a traitor, but I know deep down that I can trust you, Severus."

He laughed bitterly before he realized it. "I welcome you to the unfair world of traitors. Sometimes we're given no choices in it, and sometimes we're only given one because of other people," he said and glared at the painting of Albus. She followed his gaze, and then turned back to him, her eyes narrowed. He stood shakily and walked towards the headmaster's desk. "I... thank you for the warning, Minerva."

Feeling her eyes piercing his back, he focused his on the window. His thoughts travelled to that threat he'd have to deal with. Now he'd have to be careful every time a professor approached him.

He might even let them take him out if the stress didn't do it before they got a chance. He was so tired. Tired of the constant vigilance and the burden he carried. He wanted to let his soul rest.

"I am sorry I can't tell you the details. I don't think they trust me much now, so I don't know when it will be."

Minerva's voice made him realize that she was still there, but he didn't turn. Instead, he focused on the dark cloud in the distance. His eyes widened as he noticed that it moved much faster than it should have. The tease of burn on his arm, confirmed his fear and he turned to her.

"You need to go, now."

"Don't be proud, Severus you are still--"

"If he sees you here, he'll kill you!"

Minerva looked over his shoulder and the colour drained from her face.

He praised the woman as she rushed out of his office. He looked back at the window and watched as the shadow of the Dark Lord came closer. Why was he coming here? He opened the window and stepped back.

The dark wings crossed the domains and filtered inside his office by the open window. As he had expected, the dark fog materialized until his master turned into flesh.

With no wait for his words, he bowed.

"My lord, to what I do owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"I believe Potter is coming here. If he does, you will be the one offering him to me."

They were coming to Hogwarts. They wouldn't be that stupid.

"Might I ask, my lord, why would they do such a reckless thing?"

"Do as I say, and make sure the Death Eaters at Hogsmeade are alerted."

Severus bowed even lower. "It will be done, my lord."

"I have some tasks to accomplish. I will put Bellatrix in charge of the Death Eaters. If Potter appears we will obliterate this place, purge it from the foundations. The bad blood that supports him must be eradicated."

He realized that the Dark Lord had lost his mind. Was he going to kill every young wizard or witch just to kill Potter?

"And what of the students that support you, should I get them to safety, my lord?" He tried to negotiate, probably risking his life sooner rather than later. His master's desperation showed him that if Potter was a fool to come to Hogwarts today. It was the beginning of a warzone and probably the last battle.

Part of him couldn't believe it. Why here?

"No. If they side with us we will know and it will be a way to eradicate the liars." The cold voice of his master froze his limbs along with his heart. "Keep Hogwarts under your control and don't fail me."

He refused to look at the Dark Lord as the man retreated, as his body dissolved and left through window.

Feeling unable to breath, despite he parted his lips, he tried to digest the information. To understand that this would probably be his last day alive if those three decided to step within the grounds.

AN: Time to start the final battle? Hope you liked it and let me know what you think. Hope you had a good New Year beginning! See you on Saturday.

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