Chapter 10: Lily's Eyes and Potter's Actions

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When All is Lost One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 10: Lily's Eyes and Potter's Actions

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

September 1991

The sorting hat finished his song like usual, but this was anything but a typical year. This year his comfortable life of grading papers, teaching classes, and scaring his students would change. Now he had another job to do, and while a part of him was eager to do it, another part dreaded it.

He had created a dark, rough reputation for himself to make his task easier. But not all was a facade. Years had passed and the pain had been unbearable to the point that he closed his heart away to help deal with it. It was better if no one got close. He knew that he would die with this mission. In a way, he was doing anyone that tried to get close a favor by rejecting them.

The new kids moved enthusiastically in the great hall. He knew this year's batch of annoying brats were problematic. After all, he was intolerant when it came to those with a lack of discipline, and he would administer it if he felt the need. It made him look like an ogre or like the bat of the dungeons, as they loved to call him, but it had to be done. His role was to teach them the cruelty and responsibility of life.

McGonagall started to call out the names and he intertwined his fingers, waiting for the boy to appear.

"Granger, Hermione." A small girl came forward, muttering to herself. That one was strange. She was clearly nervous, and she showed intense intelligence in her eyes. Yes, that one had some brains in that furry little head of hers.

"Gryffindor," the sorting hat said. The girl ran to the rival table.

He rolled his eyes. Pity. She looked promising. Now it was going to go to waste in that house. Ravenclaw or Slytherin would've suited her better.

"Potter, Harry."

Though he expected it to come, it still jolted him out of his comfort zone for a moment. He forced himself to remain impassive, but he moved to catch a better look at the boy.

That black mold colored hair, those glasses, that face . . .

"Gryffindor!" the hat called out after a few deliberations.

He wanted to vomit. The boy was almost a mirror image of James. He was the spawn she'd made with Potter, and there was none of her in him.

Their eyes met and he immediately took back his previous statement. This had to be fate mocking him. Everyday Harry Potter was in his class he'd be reminded of his loss and mistakes.

He didn't think he'd be able to hate the boy more, until he saw Lily's eyes staring back at him.


October 1991

He almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of what happened. A troll. In the castle. In his dungeons. It was ludicrous and everyone knew it, yet all the accusatory fingers pointed at him. Why think logically when they had the perfect scapegoat in the greasy bat of the dungeons? He could practically smell the deception and had the culprit in sight. He had been pressing Quirrell about it since he was the one missing at the Halloween dinner. He was the one who came screaming about a troll.

It was a diversion as much as it was a way to place more guilt on him. But he was the proverbial guilt magnet, so if Quirrell thought this was going to get to him, then the man didn't know who he was up against. He walked the gauntlet on guilt; nothing in this world could make him feel any worse than that night in July.

He was smart enough not to fall for the distraction and went to check on the philosopher's stone.

Crossing the corridors as fast as he could, he ignored the teachers going to his dungeons on a troll hunt and began ascending the stairs. When he was sure no one was around, he allowed himself a tiny chuckle. A troll.

His muscles protested as his legs took the stairs one by one faster than he ever had before, a pain issuing with each step. He needed to get into better condition. All these years in the quietness of Hogwarts had made him physically weak.

He didn't stop to take a breath when he reached the top of the stairs. He rushed toward the door. When he heard a faint growl, panic spurred him to go even faster. The door was open. He picked up the pace even more.

The three headed beast lunged at him. He leaped back. Pain shot through his leg and he fell. The dog's bark tortured his ears as he tried to lift himself from the floor. He looked up as a constant barrage of pain assaulted his leg. One of the dog's muzzles was trying to reach for him, but his head was too big to get near.

He cursed his carelessness. He pressed his hands against the stone floor and lifted himself to his feet. He looked down at his leg and saw an angry red bite through his torn trousers.

He glared at the beast and with a movement of his wand, slammed the door, blocking Cerberus from his sights.

As he headed back, he sealed the door and corridor with wards so no one could trespass until all was calm. Dumbledore should've done that instead of going after a troll.

He held onto the wall as he limped down the steps, blood leaking onto the stairs as he moved. He would need to take a day off and get some potions to heal faster.

AN: If nothing happens again, I will start with the same publishing rhythm as before. Hope you liked it and let me know what you think!

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