Chapter 3: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

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When All is Lost One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 3: Hello Darkness, My Old Friend.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.
AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

AAN: Dates are taken from the Severus Snape timeline on The Harry Potter Lexicon.

June 1978

He looked down at the yellow parchment in his hands. This was the day his life would finally change and he'd be able to move forward, not as a student, but as an apprentice. He would work hard to achieve his dream of becoming a potions master. And he intended on becoming one of the best, if not the best, one in the wizarding world.

When graduation day was over, he'd immediately begin working under Slughorn. His ever-present frown deepened. He knew Slughorn had been disappointed that it was he that wanted the position rather than Lily, but she had other plans for her life with the disgusting Potter. Or that's what it looked like when he saw their abominable displays of affection.

He shook his head of the images and refused to let them ruin his mood. For the first time in a while, he was actually happy. Granted, he hadn't been completely miserable since their friendship ended, but that was mainly due to throwing himself into his studying. During that time he'd learned more about the dark arts and invented new spells and potions. The memory of betrayal would occasionally rear its ugly head, but it didn't have the sharpness that it once had.

He'd even tried to hate her, and almost succeeded thanks to her association with Potter. Instead, he'd chosen to block her out. He knew how to avoid the places he'd known they'd be and sat nearer to the door at the Slytherin table rather than near the front.

He wasn't foolish enough to deny that he still had feelings for her, but he'd gotten used to them. They were like an ache that showed up periodically but disappeared as quickly as they came.

When he reached his room, he gently folded the parchment and set it on the table beside his bed. He exhaled, removed his robes, and tossed them on his bed. He opened his trunk and searched amongst what little belongings he had. Finally, he grabbed a faded dark green robe and put it on.

He was showing Slytherin colours and he was proud of it. He went into the common room. It looked different from the last time he'd walked through it. Serpents twined around the black stone columns, but they looked as if someone polished them to make them shine. It was a simple detail he caught with no effort. He would make a good spy.

My name's Snape. Severus Snape. He almost laughed at the thought.

His frown formed into a smirk. It was time.

His companions arrived a few minutes later and congratulated each other. Today was the most important day of his life so far.


The group walked silently, crossing the dungeons and the halls until they reached the Great Hall. The place was filled with flashing lights, a cacophony of noises, and the mixing of familiar scents. Turkey, pork, chicken, and a few foods he'd never tried until he came to Hogwarts. It was one of two things he would miss. That and learning about magic.

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