25 | Starting the Deal

Start from the beginning

But you couldn't rest for long before the four of you were ushered into Yoongi's shop's basement to take your illegal pictures. You weren't really keen on doing so, as you were sure at this time of the day you looked horrible.

It's not about looking good, you remind yourself. It's about saving Jimin.

Thankfully, Yoongi had assigned Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin to be the stylists, considering that they hadn't done much but lounge around the whole day. 

Yoongi had this evil little smirk on his face as he assigned Jimin to you, mumbling something about how he could make you feel good. You grumble before stumbling into the dressing room, plopping down onto the brown chair as Jimin grabs a comb from the table.

"Why so glum?" The aforementioned boy asks with a frown, combing your hair gently and slowly, not wanting to anger you more.

"I'm glum because I have to look at your ugly face," You snarl at him, focusing on a point on the floor as he pauses the combing for a couple of seconds, before a half smile appears on his lips, cocking up an eyebrow.

"Ah, feisty I see. Are you on your time of the month, Y/N?" He taunts, eyes turning into crescent moons as he laughs lightly, setting the comb down to brush through your strands with his fingers.

You don't reply, face heating up to a pretty crimson red color, averting your gaze so you don't have to look at him. 

"Oh, someone's finally silent now," He continues to tease you relentlessly, rubbing your head with the palm of his hand, messing up your hairstyle completely.

"Yah, Jimin!" You yell, turning to smack his arm.

In a matter of seconds, his boyish grin changes into an unbelievably sexy smirk, eyes drooping, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he leans down closer to your level, making you lean backward slightly.

He continues to lean forward until his face was only mere inches from yours, his beautiful big brown eyes and pretty little mouth the only things you can see, your breath mingling with his before his hand reaches up to cup your cheek.

"I know how to make you feel better," he murmurs, half-smirk widening before he closes in the gap between you, sucking lightly on your lower lip, causing your breath to hitch as you mentally dissolve into a puddle.

Thank god you were sitting down or you probably would have dropped to the ground.

He licks the rim of your lips, before kissing you softly, making your mind drift as you had almost forgotten how good he could make you feel. Memories of that day in the office come back into your mind as you close your eyes, enjoying the sensation of Jimin.

You hadn't even noticed his lips leave yours, until he stands back up from his crouch, poking you on the shoulder. "Hey, Y/N?" He asks cheekily, making you reopen your dazed eyes.

"Mmm?" Is all you are capable of replying, your mind still drifted off with the clouds, making them looked glazed over. "Do you feel better now?" He asks, smiling boyishly as he squishes your cheeks with his hands. 

You nod, still not fully able to comprehend things yet.

"Good. Because now, you are officially ready for the photoshoot."


"It's not fair!" Minhee whines loudly, holding up the thick sheet of paper with your just taken picture, waving it in Yoongi's face. "Why does Y/N look so good in her pictures? In comparison, I look like a piece of moldy garlic bread!"

Yoongi leans back and glares at the picture in her hands, swatting it away. "Sorry, Namjoon's kind of a clumsy stylist," he says sarcastically, but upon seeing the dark look on Minhee's face that practically shouts ready to kill, he quickly backtracks. "But you still look fine."

"Hmph." She pouts before heading to Hoseok, possibly to complain more.

You can't help but feel the smile that creeps up to your lips, the type that isn't pretty nor petty. It's just that you can't stop it coming, mainly because you knew what Minhee said was mostly true.

In that picture, you really didn't look bad at all, with your flushed cheeks, bright eyes and slightly swollen lips which didn't even need lipstick to look shiny.

"Well, she's not wrong," Daehyung comments from next to you, holding up his image. As usual, he looks good, but the frown etched on his face indicates that it's not his favorite picture. "Aish, what voodoo magic did Jimin do to make you look so good?"

The room suddenly goes quiet, and Daehyung realizes the hidden implication in his words. But before he can cover up, a loud snort is heard from the other side of the room, where Hoseok stands, cupping a hand over his mouth, a mischevious glint in his eye.

"Oh, you wouldn't want to know," He sings out, grinning widely as he catches your eye, making sure that you suffer through every second. "I heard it all!" Then, he proceeds to make kissy faces and hold Minhee's hand tightly in his, pressing his full lips on hers.

Half of the room groans in disgust, while the others are snickering. The only person without a reaction is Daehyung, who stands still as a stone next to you, pretending not to care, but the head on his cheeks gives him away.

"Oh, shut up Hoseok, you're just using another excuse to smooch your girlfriend." You say dryly, trying to preserve some of your best friends pride as well as recover from your embarrassment. "By the way, what are we doing here? Saving Jimin, or laughing at me?"

Yoongi twitches his face, trying to hold back his laughter. "Save Jimin." He says firmly, looking around and coughing loudly, signaling them to stop. Everyone goes silent again, and Yoongi walks around the room to collect everyone's newly taken IDs.

"Let's send these bad boys in, and now, all we have to do is wait," Yoongi tries sounding professional and serious, but the vibe is broken as a loud flurry of snickers escape his lips when he looks at you. 

It doesn't take long for everyone to start laughing again, and you sigh. Can't believe these dorks are your friends.


[A/N: oOf I've been neglecting this book, haven't I? And sucks that I have to go back to school soon, so I can't write as often. Sorry.

And I've started yet another book, called 'Crimson.' it's a mystery book about all of BTS, so please do check it out when you have time :). Thank you.]

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