25 | Starting the Deal

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Clearing his throat, Yoongi turns away from you to face the rest of the group. "To approve the deal that we are making, we need at least one person from each family line to sign a contract, one which can only be renewed by me." He explains, "But to sign the contract, you must be a part of the society, which the majority of you aren't."

The room remains silent once again as your friends debate whether or not to speak up, scared of the now confident Yoongi who seems to shoot a glare to any person who looks in his direction for too long. 

"So...," Hoseok pipes up, raising his hand hesitantly. Yoongi nods at him curtly, allowing him to continue. "We need to join the society?"

Before Yoongi can answer, Minhee raises her hand but speaks anyway. "And... how are we supposed to do that?" Her brows are creased, head tilted as she stares intently at the sandy-haired boy.

Yoongi pauses, freezing up as he thinks, eyes staring into a spot in the wall. "There isn't an actual way of entering the society unless you are part of the heritage families or if you sign a contract with the families directly..." Then, out of nowhere, Yoongi grins evilly.

"Unless..." He says in a singsong voice, grin growing wider, looking exactly like that of the Cheshire Cat.

"We do it illegally."


"Why did I agree to this again?" You groan out, hand throbbing painfully as the blood circulates through, dropping the black pen as you lean back into the chair, pouting. The huge stack of papers lay in front of you, a reminder of how they were not legal and could get you into huge trouble.

Minhee doesn't look up from her signing, but she puts her pen down lightly as she wriggles her fingers and winces. "Because you want to spare your boyfriend Park Jimin's life."

You want to comment on the word boyfriend but decide to let it slip, not wanting to start an argument. "This is too much effort!" You complain, glaring at the papers, holding a grudge against the blank parchments that still needed hours of effort to complete.

Not to mention, after this, you would still have to take illegal passport pictures, and add whatever information illegal black society entrance cards required.

All of this work was making your head spin, and you hadn't even gotten the chance to drink your cup of coffee yet, which sat on the table untouched, probably cold by now.

When Minhee doesn't respond to your grumbling, you continue complaining, grabbing your cup of coffee to take a sip. "It's not fair," You babble, making a face at the bitter and cold flavor of the coffee before setting it back down. "Jimin doesn't have to do these!"

To your surprise, it isn't your best friend who replies to you, but Namjoon, who sits lazily in the corner of the room, lounging on the couch as he opens his 5th bag of chips. "Well, it's his life on the line after all..." Mumbling, he stuffs his mouth with a handful of chips.

Lucky for him, he didn't have to sign any papers because he was already an official member. The only people suffering from this procedure were you, Minhee, Hoseok, and Daehyung.

"You should be grateful that your hands are still intact and capable of being used, so shut up or I'll permanently damage your fingers." You snap, glaring at him. Your patience level was extra low today, not pairing well with the fact that you were tired and hungry, and those chips that Namjoon was munching on looked really good.

Namjoon's eyes widened as he mumbled an okay, shutting up for good.

The following 20 minutes passed in silence as you continue signing some papers, some in Korean, some in English and others in foreign languages that you couldn't read to the best of your ability. Your hands felt like they would break and fall off at any second, but you felt triumph when you signed your last paper, leaning back into your chair with a proud smile on your face.

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