Mike Nesmith #1 (The Monkees)

Start from the beginning

  "Yeah," He said. "Phyllis used to have one."

  You frowned a bit at the mention of Mike's ex-wife. They broke up only a couple of months ago, and apparently, things had ended up badly. Mike didn't like to talk about it much, so you didn't bring it up.

  "Hey," He said again after a minute of silence. "Why don't you let me use that thing on you?"

  You smiled. "Do you know how?"

  "Kind of," He said. "I think I remember."

  "Mm," You hesitated. "That doesn't sound like a great idea."

  "Please," He begged. "I'm bored, and we have nothing else to do!"

  "Alright..." You were on the edge about this idea. "But it's going to be really hot, so please, be careful."

  "I promise I will," He said, getting up from the couch and following you as you plugged the object into the outlet.

  You sat down in the chair that you kept out all the time and Mike stood behind you.

  Grabbing a brush, you began to get the knots out of your hair, and looked at Mike through the mirror. He made faces at you, making you laugh.

  Once the curler warmed up, he took it and put a strand of your hair in between the cylinder and rectangular part. He held the other plastic end and twirled it.

  "Like this?" He mumbled in concentration.

  You laughed at how serious he was. "Yeah. Now just hold it for a few seconds and release it."

  He did what you told him, and the curl ended up almost perfect.

"Hey," He smiled. "I did pretty well."

"Yeah," You agreed.

Mike started to go a little bit faster, feeling more confident. You two talked the entire time and you now had half of your hair in curls.

"What would people say if they saw this?" You questioned and laughed. "The celebrity doing the hairdresser's hair."

"Well, I don't think anyone's around at this time of night to see us," He replied in his southern accent.

You agreed, and watched as Mike focused on your hair, making you smile even more than you were before.

But the smile didn't last for long, before the curler was slipping out of his hand, and falling.

It landed right on your bare skin underneath the skirt you were wearing, making you yelp and immediately push it off of you.

"Damn," You muttered, trying not to show how much pain you were in.

"(Y/N)," Mike interjected. "I'm so sorry!"

You chuckled a bit, as the burn wasn't that bad, and the pain was slowly going away.

"It's fine," You told him. "I think I got it off my skin just in time."

You looked down at your skin, and noticed that it was only a little red.

Mike laughed in shock. "Really?" He asked.


"I just dropped burning hot metal on your skin and you're really not mad at me?" He looked at you deeply.

"Mike," You reassured him. "It's really not that bad."

"You're a saint, (Y/N)," He grabbed your head and pulled you in for a hug, making you blush. "You really are a saint."

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked, pulling away from you.

"Mike-" You were about to insist that it was fine once again before he interrupted.

"Wait, I- I have an idea," His cheeks immediately flushed red. "Um," He stuttered.

"What is it?" You asked, your heart suddenly pounding.

"I could, I could kiss it better," Mike's eyes immediately stared at the ground.

"Mike, we're not five," You told him.

"That wouldn't be the only thing I'd be kissing," He blurted out.

You stopped dead in your tracks, and heard Mike say something again.

"I mean, only if you want me to,"

"Yeah," You said after a while. "Uh, okay."

He didn't say anything after that, he just guided you over to the couch. Laying you down gently, he got down on his knees and started kissing where you got burnt.

He only focused on that area for a moment, before he let his lips rise up to your hips, and then your stomach.

You rolled your eyes back in pleasure, as Mike's lips traveled to your neck. He kissed it all over, making you laugh. He sucked on it a bit, leaving little love-bites before he left one kiss on your lips.

He pulled back and blushed a deep shade of red. "How- how was that?"

You didn't answer, for you were too busy pulling him by the collar and making out with him.

He gently tugged on your half-curled hair and climbed on top of you, trying to get as close to your body as he could.

You threw your arms around Mike's neck, and he moved his lips down to your neck once again, making you moan in pleasure.

However, before you could go any farther, you smelled something burning, and instantly pulled away.

"Mike," You asked. "What's that smell?"

But your question was answered when you saw the small pile of smoke coming from the floor.

"The curling iron!"

Author's Note: Uh yeah, that was definitely different. A bunch of requests are coming up next. Thanks for reading! -Liz :)

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