Chapter Eighteen

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First and second period flew by way faster than I would have liked.

"Do you think you were a little dramatic?" Chelsea asked as we walked towards third period. I told her all about mine and Dakotas conversation.

"Possibly." I shrugged and my mind was going a million miles an hour. I felt foolish for saying the things that I said to him but I have to protect myself, I don't want to get hurt.

"I'm just saying don't act on an impulse. You could have just read his body language wrong. He is a guy. They say and do stupid shit all the time." Chelsea smiled apologetically and I threw my head back in frustration.

"Let's just get this over with okay?" I asked as we walked into third period. Dakota was already sitting at his desk tapping his knuckles on the top as if he were nervous. I walked to my seat and sat down and pulled out my binder and textbook avoiding him at all costs. I felt his eyes burning a whole into the side of my face.

"Erika." He whispered my name but I ignored him. I flipped my book open to the page written on the board and opened my binder to a fresh page to take notes.

"Copy the slideshow exactly as it is. You will have the first half of the class to do so and then the last half I will be giving out a project assignment." Mrs. Wortham instructed and then went to sit at her desk. I started to jot down the notes exactly as they were written.

"So you're just going to ignore me?" Dakota asked, leaning in a little closer his woodsy cologne wafted my way.

"I'm going to try my hardest." I spoke while I wrote, not looking up at all but I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my face.

"Come with me after school?" He asked and I snapped my head in his direction his eyes were pleading, exactly what I'm talking about, one minute hot the other cold.

"What?" I asked slowly clearly not understanding him correctly.

"I have somewhere I want to take you after school." He nodded and curiosity was getting the best of me and frankly he was hard to say no to which was my own downfall.

"Why?" I asked as I picked up my pen and started to continue to write the notes from the slideshow. His minty breath fanned my face and his cologne swam up my nose making it hard to focus on much else.

"Look I know I am an asshole and I am sorry but trust me, okay?" He asked his tone almost begging and I sighed and agreed against my better judgement.

"Fine." I nodded without looking at him and I could practically hear the smile on his face. When the slideshow was over Mrs. Wortham turned the lights back on and turned the slideshow off.

"Okay everyone listen up! These first few weeks have been easy compared to what we are fixing to nose dive into, the hard stuff. This project is going to be forty percent of your grade this semester which means it is going to be a big one. It is going to involve a lot of during and after school time and work with your partner." Mrs. Wortham started to go over our project and I internally groaned not liking how this was sounding.

"I am going to pass out the project guild lines which will cover what exactly I am expecting from you and your partner. I don't want to hear any oppositions or arguments as this is not up for debate." Mrs. Wortham scolded and started to pass out the guild lines and I knew from her tone that this project was going to be hell.

The bell rang and we all grabbed our packets and scurried out of the room. Dakota quickened his pace to catch up to me he got in front of me and turned to face me while walking backwards.

"Hate me all you want Barbie, you're stuck with me all year." He smirked and turned on his heel and took off after Christian.

"What was that all about?" Chelsea asked with a knowing smile on her face.

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