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I wish you all a Happy New Year. Best wishes, your always grateful author.


The ride back to the villa is tense, everyone is on edge. The enclosed tiny space of the car isn't the best place to share with Nate right now but none of us dares to say anything about the alpha who is losing his shi-

'Language young lady.'

-losing control over his wolf beside us. His eyes keep changing, his muscles are tense under his skin, his canines elongate more and more by the minute and his whole body is shaking while he keeps growling.

I'm not the only one who wanted to offer we all walk back on our own. I mean he would only be able to scratch me if he happened to turn and attacked but I'd rather avoid the pain. Leila keeps sending worried glances in the rear view mirror, her jaw tense while Noriko frantically plays with the handle of the car door, ready to flea at any given time. I tried to play it cool and laid-back for the first fives minutes but it seemed to aggravate Nate even further so I made myself as invisible as possible.

I really don't mind walking home.

'I'm not sure they would come out of it as unscathed as you would if things went wrong.' My wolf reminds me for the tenth time.

Fine, fine. I'll just play dead.

'This is all your fault.'

For the hundredth time no it's not. I am not responsible every time someone is going through a life crisis.

'I'm still blaming you.'

And I'm blaming the fish I ate last night. Probably was a cousin of Marie's, smelt fishy...

I can vividly see my wolf roll its eyes in my mind.

No one understands me.

'I don't care if you end up alone, misunderstood by all humanity for the rest of your life but you have to fix this. I don't care what you do but you better make him go back to how he was before.'

Harsh. And what am I supposed to do ? I mean did you see him ? He's a mess !

The car hasn't fully stopped before we all jump out of it and each flee in a different direction. I follow Nate to the beach down the path from the villa, making sure to stay a good yard behind. The creak is deserted which is a good thing right now.

'Might have been a good idea to hang on to the trident a little longer.'

Don't need it to be awesome.

I get rid of my shoes because I hate to have sand in my socks. The ground is hot under my feet and the sun blaring over the water making it difficult to see what's in front of me.

'Stop finding excuses and go talk to him.'

With a long sigh I walk to him. He jumps back when he notices me and holds his hands high to stop me.

"Stay back !" He orders. "I'm having a hard enough time as it is I really don't need you to make things worse."

Did you spread the word and decided to all be mean to me today ?

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I grumble.

"Stop talking." He grits his teeth, shutting his eyes and trying to ignore me.

Something I dare say is impossible.

'How big is your ego ?'

As big as yours.

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