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"I'll send Noriko to Daiki's house." Tatsuki informs me with a bow before stepping out of the room.

Leila is helping Daiki bandage his arm in white gauze.

"How long does it usually take you to heal ?" She asks.

See ? I'm not the only one who doesn't know !

"The healing process is triggered by pain, so I have to concentrate on it and force my body to heal. I'll be alright, dont worry." He explains as he stands up and walks with us down the building.

"Do you want me to brake a few more bones to speed things up ?" I offer with a smirk.

"I think I'll do fine on my own." He groans.

Behind us Takeshi is wearily observing us. I think he didn't like my little mojo.

'It's beyond me how they can be so judgmental when they are freaking light bulbs themselves.'

"Where did you pick up that trick though ? I never heard of anything like this before." Daiki inquires.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." I shrug and he looks at me intrigued.

"I didn't know werewolves could use magic."

"How do you think we turn into big giant wolves ?"

"No, I mean spells and the likes."

They can't.

"Do you want to bet on how long you can sustain my little trick next time I come ?" I try to change the subject as we step outside into the warm air of the city.

"No thank you, I'm not suicidal. And seeing as the match went on for more than five minutes and you didn't even flinch once I think you went easy on us before."

"What can I say, I didn't want to crush these big yakuza's hearts." I smile innocently.

"Well my ego is bruised."

"You'll live." I roll my eyes.

"I should have gone with the alpha." Daiki sighs. "I didn't have enough intel on him so I didn't take the risk. Trust me I won't make the same mistake twice. You are officially on my black list, lady."

"Now I am offended."

We get back to the household in record times and come face to face with a fuming Nate. Apparently he doesn't like being kept on the dark.

"What happened ?" He asks anxiously before we even get the time to take off our shoes.

His eyes roam from one to the other, resting on Daiki's wounded arm and then flying to my unscathed body.

"I won, they have to do whatever I say." I inform him and Xavier joining us. "Which starts first with Daiki shaving his hair."

"Wow ! Let's calm down. I never agreed to anything like that."

"Alright, I know how much you love your hair. Dyeing it green will be enough."

"Not a chance." He laughs.

"Can somebody please tell me what happened !" Nate growls exasperated.

"I told you, I won." I say crossing my arms defensively on my chest.

"Then, it means they'll help us ?" Xavier inquires his face white and expressionless.

"You people are seriously putting a damper on my day. I should have left you home." I sigh.

"Yes, the Kitsune clan has agreed to join the ranks of your coalition. However there is one condition and Hope already agreed." Daiki explains and Nate doesn't wait to glare at me.

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