"......getting to second base with your face."

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"Hi! I'm Shiloh." I tell the brown eyed boy with a giant smile.

"Oh, um hi." He says with a small smile.

"Why are you all alone?" I ask him my nosey side coming out.

"I was planning on sleeping." He answers, seeming embarrassed now about his answer.

"Not while your sitting next to me you don't." I tell him cheerfully as I hear the flight attendent turn on the safety video in the background.

"I'm not?" He asks looking a little scared.

"Of course not besides I'm guessing by the way you were curled up you slept the whole way here." I accuse.

"Yeah kind of." He answers sheepishly. "I'm Zayn by the way." He tells me holding out his hand.

"Yeah I kind of knew that my friend Missy talks about your quote on quote amazing jaw structure."

"I do have a pretty nice jaw." He says cockily rubbing his hand over the slight stubble.

"Can I feel it?" I ask him questioningly.

"You want to feel my jaw?" Zayn asks me questioningly. I giggle at what he says and nods my head up and down yes. "Well as long as you don't try and lick your face."

"Dangitt." I say sarcasticly as I feel his face. "Does that mean I cant smell your shoes or cut a piece of your hair either?"

"You want to smell my shoes that's all on you but my hair is a definate no-no." He says like hes talking to a child.

"I feel like I'm getting to second base with your face." I say in a dutch accent. "Ill stop now. Its time too have some fun."

"Really?" Zayn asks his face looking worried.

"Well once we can get up. For now lets play a game." I then stroke my chin where my imaginary beard is while I ponder what to do.

"How about twenty questions?" Zayn suggests.

"I got it!" I yell raising my finger as if an imaginary lightbulb went off in my head. "How about we play twenty questions."

"But that's what I just said." Zayn laughs and says as if I didn't just hear.

"I know but I like how it sounded in my voice." I tell him with a smile. "Alright what's your favorite flavour pie?"

"What kind of question is that?" He asks me with a giant grin plastered on his face.

"A very serious one for the pie community." I tell him pretending to be serious. Even though he would deny it I asked I knew Zayn enjoyed my company.

"Alright pumpkin I guess then. What's yours?" He asks turning his body so he is fully facing me.

"You are not seriously hijacking my question are you?" I ask in fake outrage.

"Your right ill be more civilized what's your favorite color?" He asks after thinking it over.

"Seventeen." I answer fastly.

"What that's not a color?" He tells me with a giant grin.

"You have offended the color seventeen." I tell him seriously before asking, "Do you consider Dr. Suess to have s.w.a.g.?"


"Yes. Shiznitz we Americans got."

"Umm sure I guess Dr. Suess has swag then." He says shrugging a smile never leaving his face.

"You don't guess, you know."

"Then yes I know Dr. Suess has swag. When's your birthday?"

"Augusto 18th. What is your favorite type of Peanut butter?" I ask him as I feel the plane begin down the runway.

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