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I was in shock as I looked down at my white paws. Can wolf eyes widen because I know if I was in human for my eyes would be wide. I kept stummbleing on my paws not use to them but Sam stayed next to me in wolf form so I wouldn't fall trying to keep me up almost like a mother dear does to her baby to help him walk.

"Wow your pure white."Paul said in front of me in wolf form.

"Paul not now let her come to terms on what just happen."Sam snapped. Paul backed up. "You and Jared phase back let me handle this her mind going crazy." Next thing it was silent only my brain running wild. I ploped down on the ground and Sam lays next to me curling up around me.

"I don't know what to...." I looked into Sam eyes and every thing shifted. I could see our future wedding, 3 kids our happyness. He was my everything and I know knew how he been seeing me in this light I was his bigest price and he was mine.

"Its amazing right" he said nuzzling me makeing me giggle as I agree with him.

"Here a outfit sorry for going through you stuff I figure you would want this."I nod towards Jared as he set it down infront of me before turning and leaving us again.

"Please tell me it was just Jared and not Paul going through my underwear draw. How do I changed back?" I asked Sam as he lifted his head looked at me.

"For one let me get up so I can move." He said after watching me. That when I notice I was leaning aginst my my head resting against his neck.

  "Sorry" he laughed a little as I stood up him standing up also before he licked me.

"No need to be sorry I didn't mind. I will step out of view where I am not watching I want you to think human. Once you change back get dress and let me knkw it safe unless you want me to watch. " I could tell he woulf be grining if in human for in wolf form it just weird. I gasp and raised a paw and swated at him. He jus chuckled and walked off. It took me a few time and Sam stayed in wolf form telling me I was doing good just relax. Then I thought of him and the times we have spent with each other. How much...I love him. I went human and gasp . Hurrying getting dress.

"I done." I called he came out dressed in just shorts. Hepulled me into his arms and kissed me with so much passion me kissing him back with just as much passion. He pulled away and laid his forhead against mine.

"I love you" he said. I smiled up at him.

"I love you to." We walked back to the house where Paul and Jared was watch tv. "You boys hungry... Pfft like I have to ask."I made my way to the kitchen." I could hear them talking low as I walked out the room. I ignored it and got to cooking to get my mind off everything. Sam joined me not long later wrapping his arms around me.

"The boys are worried" He said holding me close.

"I am ok. I mean at least I had a heads up. I can hear so much better and see. My favorite part is being able to understand and feel what you feel with the imprite" I smiled and turned in his arms. He kissed me lightly on my lips before he let me get back to work making his way back into the living room. The house phone rang about 30 minutes ago. My hands where full of chicken batter.

"Sam my hands are full." I called Sam can in and answer the phone.

"Hello Swan residence" Sam said as I walked closer to him to figure out who was it. "Yes she right here hang on" he tugged me closer making me laugh as he held the phone to my ear.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey not sure if Esme stopped by or not but I just made it here in Arizona." My dad said.

"Yeah she stopped by" I said kind of harshly.

"Be nice" He said with a sigh.

"Dad the day she arrive everything went down hill. Don't think I didn't notice you been working more. Also her dateing whats his face has ruined this family even more. I love you dad I always will, but I am sorry me and Bella will never be close. Not after what she said to you him and his family is the cause of it." I ranted to him I heard him sigh.

"I know sweetheart I got to go we will talk about this later bye sweetheart either go to Sam or have him stay there." No sooner he said that he hung up. I looked down as Sam took the phone I could feel my self start shaken. Sam wrapped his arms around me calming down as I leaned agaist him.
I went to place my hands against his. He grabbed my wrist so I couldn't making me laugh.

"Not happening" he said with a laugh I forgot that my hands where a mess. He kissed my cheek. I went back to cooking. "I will go pack you a bag better to stay at my place. I know this is hard to hear but you don't need to be going back to school when the cullen return. I knkw you have two weeks left." I took a deep breath.

"All I want is to walk across stage." I looked up at him with pleading eye. "I worked really hard for this moment."

"Ok we will see towards the end of the two weeks how you are doing then. Just walk across stage the Pack has to be there to keep a eye on you.

"You all was invited any way look the mail thing next to the phone." He walked over and pulled out the 3 envolopes that held each of the packs name. "I have 10 tickets my dad, Prant ,Jacob, Uncle Harry,Aunt Sue, Seth and you 3. Bella got invited by the cullens so Dad told me invite who ever I want its my day and I want my pack there when I talked to Aunt Sue Leah refused to go so I had just enough." He smiled and gave me a kiss before going give the other two there with a smile on his face.  Smiled and went back to cooking and listen to them talk.

"We have let her walk the stage. We wasn't able to but she can."Jared said in a low voice.

"He right she has cooked for us cleaned up after us. She been great to us least we can do is deal with the stink for a couple hours." Paul agreed. Let her walk across stage then if she want we can put her in patrol."

"No she not running the route to dangerouse" Sam said.

"Ill run if I want to" I huffed knowing they can here me.

"...fine but only when I do and you dont have to all the time" Sam said with a huff making me smile. With in 45 minutes later the fried chicken and home made french fries was done.

"Dinner ready boys" They can in to the kitchen and Sam moved the small table out so we can all sit. Once the fix there plate the all set down. I was finishing up washing the little dishes I had.

"I know its not to much but once at Sams I can take out leftovers I froze and defrost it if yall are still hungry... Am I going to eat like yall now" I ask making a face they busted out laughing.

"No clue come on I will finish the dishes come sit and eat with us." Sam said I turn the water off and went sit down. Sam must of fixed me a plate when he got his. I can tell you I did not pig out like the boys but I did eat more then I use to.  Sam did the dishes like he said he would before we got ready to leave.

"Hey Paul Jared. Take my truck I will drive hers." Once we settle in the trucks we took off to Sam's.

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