Pack Shenanigans

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At some point I was moved to the guest room last night. Must of fell asleep while watching a movie with the guys. I set up and looked around only to notice I was freezing and it was only 3 am. I made my way out of the bed sleeply and down the hall to Sam room. His door was open and he was laying on his stomach on arm hanging off the bed shirtless. I bite my bottem lip and just took him in his blanket was down to his waist and his hair layed slightly over his face. I stepped alittle close.

"You can stop sneaking I know your there"I jumped as Sam spoke scaring me to death making him chuckle before opening his eyes. "Whats wrong love?" He set up some and yawn.

"Your guestroom is freezing" I spoke as a blush covered my face he held a arm out toward me making me smile as he moved over and let me under his blanket. I smiled and snuggled into his warmth as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Better?" I giggled and nod my head as he pulled the blanket up and over us. I blushed as he had me pulled close to his bare chest. "Get some sleep love." I closed my eyes and was back to sleep in no time. I swear it was the best night of sleep I have hand in a long time.

"Get the fuck out!" I heard Sam whisper harshly to some one making me groan and snuggle into ... Well apperently he now my pillow because I was pretty much laying on top of him but was tired to even move. I hear laughter in the hall and open my eyes to look and see Paul and Jared both. Jared was holding a camera like he just took a picture. Sam sighed and laid his head back on the pillow pushing his hair out his face.

"What do yall want for breakfast? I asked with a sigh as I set up and push my hair back. Sam kept his arm around me so I was still leaning aginst him. Sam growled at the boys for waking me up as he set up some. He was shaking I laid my head on his shoulder looking up at him. "Relax its fine we need to get up any way." He sighed and kisses my forhead letting me go. I stood up reaching my arms above my head as i yawn making my night shirt rise some that I put on before we started the movie. Sam poked my belly making me yelp and cover my stomach with wide eyes. A evil glint form in his eyes as he relised I was ticklish. I took off out the room pushing Jared out my and straight in to the bathroom making them laugh.
By time I finished and made my way to the kitchen the boy where in the living room. I fixed them breakfast.

"Boys its done." I said as I set down with my plate. The came in laughing and pushing each other joking around. Sam came up and kissed my cheek with a smile.

"Thanks for making breakfast" the other two was already sitting stuffing there face with pancakes.

"Yeah thanks" Jared said after he swallowed his food. Paul just grunted shiveing more food into his mouth. I looked at him grossed out making Sam chuckled and pop him in the back of the head.

"What was that for?" He growled and started shaking. Sam jumped up pushing Paul out the house with a eye roll. Once outside Paul phased into a silver color wolf alittle smaller then Sams pure black form. Sam growled and went wolf pushing Paul to the woods.

"Its really good Soraya" Jared said giving me a small smile as I watched at where they disappear before standing and closing the door.

"Thank you seems we have a hot head on our hands." I said sitting back down.

"Paul alway had a temper apperently that highten with the change." He said with a nod as he took a sip of his drink.

"How are you handling it. Being a wolf and all" we went silent as he thought about it.

"At first it scared the shit out me. Thinking about it now its pretty cool in a way..."

"But different you will get use to it. Your not alone either I relised that last night. Though I love my family always will Sam is my family now and this little pack is now his life. Meaning you two are family to me also even though we just met. If you boys ever need anything. I might be younger but I will do whatever I can."

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