Waylon Death

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The next day Sam brought me to school. We watched as Bella walked past Edward with a determined look and him follow her to the woods. I looked towards the other Cullens and they did not look happy with there "brother". Don't get me wrong I do not hate the Cullens. I just don't like knowing Edwards a mind reader. That is just creepy. My phone rang as I was getting out the truck.

"Hey dad sorry I didn't come home last night something happen." I spoke in a soft voice as I answer the phone.

"I know sweetheart Bella informed me. Thats not why I am calling." He paused and took a deep breath my door was open and I was slid out of my truck grabbing my bag. Sam was watching me from where he set. "Hunny Waylon was found dead last night." My bag fell on to the ground as I gasp. Waylon might have been crazy but he was my uncle all my life and he always took me out on his boat.

"No"I gasp shaking my head as tears rolled down my face I know a few people looked my way. I heard Sam get out of the truck and come around. I held my hand up and he stopped and just looked at me like he wanted to hold me and not let me go. "You have to be mistaken"

"Come on Soraya let get back in the truck" Sam spoke picking my bag up and placing in the truck.

"Is that Sam let me talk to him baby girl" Sam took the phone from him as I set back in the truck.

"Yes sir. Around what time." Sam moved closer to where I can lean my head on his chest as I cried. "Around 5 is fine I'll take care of her." He wrapped a arm around me and rubbed my back as he placed a kiss on my forhead. "She was pretty shaken up last night. She strong though she will be ok. See you later today." He hung up the phone and wraped his other arm around me holding me close.

"Your dad said to tell you he loves and ask for me to bring you around the station at 5" I nod and took a deep breath before sitting right in the seat. Sam closed the door and went around. Sam had patrol around noon. Tell then we stayed curled up on the sofa watching tv.

"Whats for lunch"Paul ask walking in. Sam growled at him making him raised his hand in surrender.

"There some left over take what you want" I mummbled covered all the way to my nose with the blanket. Sam moved the blanket to get a kiss making me giggle.

"That is what I love to here"He said before giving me another kiss then heading out the door.

"Whats wrong?" Paul picked my feet up and set om the sofa rest my feet on his lap.

"Had a rough night then found out my Uncle Way was mur...murdered" I bursted into tears and Paul pulled me into a hug.

"How bout for change I fix some lunch"

"Do you even know how to cook."I asked pulling out of the hug he got a hurt look over his face as he gasp making me giggle.

"I'll have you know I am a great cook just to lazy to cook." I laughed even more making him smile. He made his way to the kitchen 30 minutes later he brought me a omlete covered in cheese ham onion green onion bellpepper whole nine yards.

"Thanks this looks good Paul" we set and ate in silence as the tv played.

Sam brought me to my dad around five. My dad brought me into his arms and held me tight for a few as I broke down into tears again.

"Thank you Sam" My dad called to him.

"No problem Sir I care a lot about your daughter I would do anything for her." I smile and moved out of my dad arms to hug Sam he gave me a small kiss not wanting to kiss me to much in front of my dad. "Call me later just to let me know your ok." I nod and backed up he shook my dads hand before getting back in his truck and leaving. Dad placed a arm around my shoulder and kissed my forhead.

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