Meeting Bella

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Have you ever just started talking about random stuff to some one. You sit there for 10 maybe 15 minutes talking before you relise there not even paying attention to what you say. The despare you feel as you just go silent and wonder when they will notice that you stop talking. Then you come to terms with it doesn't even matter. Your one voice in a world full of people. It not that you matter any way to the world.

Yet you might also be some one world. They might hang on to your every word waiting to hear what you have to say. They adore you from the second you open your mouth to the moment you stop because you relised you been rammbleing and they are just smileing at you. Then they ask why did you stop talking and you forget what you was talking about to start with because your just lost into every word they speak like they are to your words.

Then it might also be one sided. Who the hell knows for sure what people think or how they will react to each and every person that walk this earth. People are so blinded by stero types and what every one else thinks that it hard to stop and think for your self for once.

When I was told my sister was coming to live with us I wasn't sure how I felt. When our parent split up I was left with dad while she went with mom. For a few years we was made to visit the other parent tell Bella throw a fit not wanting to come visit us any more. If she wasn't coming here I sure the hell wasn't going to go there after she hurt my dad. I was daddy little girl while she was momma girl. I hardly knew my mom and It didn't really bug me either that I didn't know her. I had my dad and we was happy that all that matter.
I will not lie and say I don't love them because I do there family though I hardly know them they are family and I don't have many family left. So when dad told me she was moving in it was a bunch of mix emotions and thought that ran through my head. One who has anxiety would understand when say a bunch of thought I mean a bunch of thought and ideas and outcomes good and bad. Just floating around in my noggin.
Today was the day that she would arrive also. My dad was on his way to pick her up while I made sure her room was ready for her. I had picked out purple bedding and try to put together a room I thought would be nice. My room for the past few years have been the attic. My dad allowed me to turn it into a room and also put a small bathroom in so we didn't have to share the one bathroom that was down stairs. Im not waiting patiently for them to arrive so I just wanted to say hi then high tail my ass to my room where I can go back to doing my homework that due tomorrow. I know my best friend and his dad will be stopping by later to drop off mine and Bella truck. The truck was just for me. Me and my bestfriend rebuild the engine of this old 1953 chevy truck that his dad use to use before he got placed in a wheelchair. Our next project is a 1986 Volkswagen
Rabbit. Sadly it far from being finished so I have to share my truck with Bella. Which isn't to bad I don't go many places. Not tell the summer at least. That when I work at a family friend shop down on the Res.

I heard a horn being blown out side. My dad has a habit of blowing the horn when he pulls in during the day. Just to inform me he is home if I am. When I was younger he use to scare the crap out of me just walking in the house. I made a comment he needs a damn bell around his neck. Form that day he would blow the horn let me know he is home.

Making my way down town... I mean down the stairs I chuckle at my own sillyness inside my head I met dad at the door grabbing one of Bella bags from him. I sent her a small smile and nod.

"Hey Soraya sweetheart" Dad said as he kissed my cheek before he made his way by me.

"Hey dad... Bella good to see you. Go ahead follow dad."she gave me a smile before following dad up the stairs.

"Sora here clean a couple shelfs in the bathroom." Dad informed her awkwardly making me giggle. He looked over Bella head sending me a playful glare.

"Oh right one bathroom" Bella mummbled. I placed the hand that was carring her bag on her shoulder.

"I have my own on the attic floor." I informed her as dad walked into her room. She gave me a smile before we both followed him in. I stood in the door way and really got a look at them. Bella was a little taller then my 5'2. She wore plan clouth while I tend to try for a little more style but not over the top fancy.

"Sora picked out the bedding you like purple right."Dad ask making me look toward him with a smile. He can be so awkward at times. I knows he just wants me and Bella to be happy.

"Purple good" I set Bella bag down by her bed as dad tells her he going to let her get settle with my help. He kissed my forhead and sent her a small smile before leaving. "Uh thanks for the bedding and uh."

"Relaxe Bella its no problem. Do you need help unpacking?" I asked as I looked towards her bags.

"Uh no I got it thanks." I nervously bounce from on foot to another.

"I will be up stairs if you need me. We mostly go eat out or order take out but tonight I am cooking since I don't have to much homework. Should be but another 20 minutes in the over for the chicken. Welcome home Bella it good to have you back." I said sending her a smile before walking off and up the stairs to my room.

20 minute later I was just pulling out the chicken from the over when I heard a horn being blown.

"Soraya Bella."Dad called I took off running passing him making him laugh as I launch my self at my God Father. Making his wheelchair roll back and bump into Jacob. His deep laughed filled the air as he wrapped me in a hug.

"I just saw you yesterday pumkin no need to attack me." Jacob laugh and came around to give me a hug as I sat on prants lap. I looked up as dad made his way out to see Bella standing in her window. I made a motion for her to come see.

"Billy Jacob."my dad greated them with a smile. Bella joined us shortly as I stayed on my prants lap. Why stand when I can use him as a chair. "Bella you remeber Billy and his son Jacob."

"Uh yeah your looking good"She told Billy.

"I am still dancing"he said with a grin. "I am glade your here your dad hasn't shut up since you called him."

"Oh keep it up old man I will roll you in the mud." Prant started to turn toward day and Jacob reach out grabbing my hand pulling me to safty.

"Not before I ram you in the ankle" I thow my head back and laughed as I leaned against Jacob so not to fall before standing fully up.

"Hi I am Jacob we use to make mud pies together. " Right then I could tell my bestfriend had a thing for my sister.

"No yeah I remember."She said before looking back to Dad and Prant. "Are they always like this?"

"Its getting worse with old age. " I joked as I crinkled my nose as I grinned. They both laugh and Jacob nod agreeing with me.

"So what do you think." Dad ask patting the truck.

"What no way?" She looked between the two.

"It for both of you girls to share." Bella grinned and grabbed my arm.

"This is awesome." I laugh and nod.

"Me and Jacob just finish rebuilding the engine." Bella open the door hitting Jacob with it making me laugh.

"Sorry" they got in the truck as I went stand next to dad. He put his arm around my shoulder as I leaned against him.

"Told you she like it see I am down with the kids." Prant said making me laugh.

"No just no" He pulled me away from dad and started tickling me before we all went inside to eat. Over all today wasn't to bad. Having Bella here made the family fill a little more whole.

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