Dress shopping

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My dad called me up the next day he ask Bella to take me with to go dress shopping he wanted us to get along so bad so I gave in and said I would go. Sam dropped me off around noon giving me a kiss and telling me call him when I return home. Bella was waiting at the truck for me sliding into the passanger seat I didn't say a word just waved to Sam as we drive pass him. We was meeting Jessica and Angela at Jess house so we can all take one car.

It was a long boring time I was not going to Prom dances where not my thing. Sam had ask if I had wanted to go and I told him hell no. Only time he will see me in a dress is for funeral or my own wedding.

"That dress looks really good on you Ang it bring out your curves in good ways the color suits you." I said as I sat on a window seat noming on some pickle chips.

"Thank you" Some guys walked by tapping on the window making sexual jesters. Bella made a gross face as I flipped them off.

"I am going to the book store a couple blocks over." I spoke up as I stood and walk to the door.

"Can I join"Bella ask making me roll my eyes.

"Do whatever the hell you want"I mummbel as I made my way out of the dress shop and down the road. I could hear that she followed me as I made my way to the book store that run by Jackson from the Res. I run into him ever once in a while when Billy goes to town. As I made it into the book store I spot him and he smiles and walks around.

"Buttercup" he called I hugged him with a laugh. "Finally decided to leave the Res I see. I swear you spend more time there then me and I live there."

"I was in the area so I had to you promise me a free book of my choice. Sam has no books I need to start my collection up there." I chuckled and nod his head.

"You been hanging with Uley what going on." I smiled bringtly. "Oh I see that look tells me all. He a good guy better take care of you. Go on go find a few books one free the rest 20% off." I nod and went look around. I got about 10 books.

"This will do for now." I said smileing he smiled back and checked me out. He kept glancing behind me. I looked back to see Bella near the trible book and took in a deep breath. "Thats Bella my half sister" I spoke as I looked back at him he nod she walked up and checked out once he finish with me. The book she held holds the trib legens. "Take care Jackson." He sent me a smile as we walked out me carring my bag.

Not long after I felt like we was being watched. Glancing around I grabbed Bella arm. She jumped and went to say something tell I nod behind us. Two guys where following and it was 2 of the 4 that pasted the dress shop. She took a deep breath and tensed up.

"On 3 we going to take a left up here we stick together tell I say." I whisper and she nod her head. "1 ...2...3" We turned left and went down the side walk before she tugged me down a dark area on the right. The other two boys stood in front of us making us turn back the way we came we was blocked in. I can feel Bella trembling as I let go of her arm and got in a fighting stance pushing her behind me. They started making comment but everything was happening so fast that I didn't under stand.

"Run" I told her as I swung my bag of books at one and punch another. Bella took of and two went to follow but I got there attentiong back on me when I kicked on in the balls.

"Leave her we got this one." The trapped me against the wall and started feeling me up as I try to fight them off. Not long after Edward sweared in front of us almost hitting them they backed up and I feel to the groud out of breath. Bella jumped out and help me grab my bag then got me in the back of the car as Edward glared at them. I climbed in and broke down into sobs.

"She fine Bella just shaken up real bad and a little banged up." Edward told her.

"Should we call my dad" all I wanted was Sam.

"Do you have Sam number?" He asked her. I was havinga anxiety attack. I pulled out my phone and called him.

"Hey hun you made it home?... Soraya sweetheart what happen." He ask once he notice I was crying.

"Sammy can you please come get me." I can hear his truck starting up.

"Where are you what happen?" Edward reached for the phons and told him what happen. We pulled into where we was suppose to meet the girls. They told the girls I feel asleep that Edward would bring us both home. Once they left I stepped out trying to calm down. Once inside I set away from them and waited for Sam when he got there he pulled me into a tight hug. It was calming to be into his arms. He took me home and just layed down with me letting me curl up against him tell I passed out.

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